Revision history for Perl extension Bryar.
3.1 - 2009-05-28
- remote execution bug fixed
3.0 - 2007-01-20
- First release by new maintainer David Cantrell
- Comments now accept an 'email' field from the user
- The default Template Toolkit renderer has a lot more of TT's options
turned on to support more complex templates
- For the FlatFile datasource *only* (but this is the default source):
- journal entries whose files' timestamps are in the future are
- you *must* specify your email address so you can be notified of
- comments are emailed to the journal's owner by shelling out to the
'mail' program
- comments are now subject to a crude spam filter:
- the string 'http://' appearing three or more times is presumed to
be spam, and the comment is simply thrown away
- the string 'http://' appearing one or two times means the comment
might be spam and the journal's owner is emailed so he can decide
whether to add it to the *.comments file by hand or not
2.6 - Wed Feb 11 11:35:16 GMT 2004
- Static rendering
- Fixes to accessors
- CGI micro-optimization.
2.5 - Sun Feb 8 21:26:16 GMT 2004
- Emergency release - unbreak comments.
2.4 - Sun Feb 8 15:12:21 GMT 2004
- Get default MIME types right
- Refactor FlatFile to allow selecting post extensions, etc.
2.3 - Fri Jan 23 13:21:18 GMT 2004
- Added ETag support from Marco d'Itri
- Added calendars, again from Marco d'Itri
2.2 - Fri Jan 23 12:57:18 GMT 2004
- Added the dummy files that *really* allow a runthrough without
- Added support for Atom, made this generic by allowing you to register
your own formats and skins.
- Added an Atom template, thanks to Steve Peters
2.1 - Thu Dec 11 13:55:09 GMT 2003
- Bryar::DataSource::Base now returns a true value, which is always
- Added a dated flatfile data source.
- Tweaks to the test suite to allow a runthrough without mod_perl
2.0 - Sat Aug 16 13:42:15 BST 2003
- Experimental Mod_perl handler
- Experimental DBI driver
1.2 - Sat Jun 14 22:50:06 BST 2003
- Added support for comments.
1.1 Sat May 24 18:46:33 BST 2003
- HTML fix and duplicate Cwd removed, thanks to Matt Cashner.
- Allowed searching for content of flat-file documents
- Used subblogs to set category
- Make times gmtime, not local; helps with 8601 compliance.
1.0 Sun May 18 21:05:33 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-b 5.6.0 -AXn Bryar