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Apple::AppStoreConnect - Apple App Store Connect API client


Version 0.12


    use Apple::AppStoreConnect;

    my $asc = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
        issuer => $API_key_issuer,  # API key issuer ID
        key_id => $key_id,          # App Store Connect API key ID
        key    => $private_key      # Encrypted private key (PEM)
    # Custom API request
    my $res = $asc->get(url => $url);

    # List apps / details convenience function
    $res = $asc->get_apps();                                          # List of apps
    $res = $asc->get_apps(id => $app_id);                             # App details
    $res = $asc->get_apps(id => $app_id, path => 'customerReviews');  # App reviews


Apple::AppStoreConnect provides basic access to the Apple App Store Connect API.

Please see the official API documentation for usage and all possible requests.

You can also use it with the "Apple Store Server API".



    my $asc = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
        key_id      => $key_id,
        key         => $private_key?,
        key_file    => $private_key_pem?,
        issuer      => "57246542-96fe-1a63-e053-0824d011072a",
        scope       => \@scope?,
        timeout     => $timeout_sec?,
        expiration  => $expire_secs?,
        ua          => $lwp_ua?,
        curl        => $use_curl?,
        jwt_payload => {%extra_payload}

Required parameters:

  • key_file : The encrypted App Store Connect API private key file that you create under Users and Access -> Keys on the App Store Connect portal. On the portal you download a PKCS8 format file (.p8), which you first need to convert to the PEM format. On a Mac you can convert it simply:

       openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in AuthKey_<key_id>.p8 -out AuthKey_<key_id>.pem
  • key : Instead of the .pem file, you can pass its contents directly as a string.

  • key_id : The ID of the App Store Connect API key created on the App Store Connect portal (Users and Access section).

  • issuer : Your API Key issuer ID. Can be found at the top of the API keys on the App Store Connect Portal (Users and Access section).

Optional parameters:

  • scope : An arrayref that defines the token scope. Example entry: ["GET /v1/apps?filter[platform]=IOS"].

  • timeout : Timeout for requests in secs. Default: 30.

  • ua : Pass your own LWP::UserAgent to customise the agent string etc.

  • curl : If true, fall back to using the curl command line program. This is useful if you have issues adding https support to LWP::UserAgent, which is the default method for the API requests.

  • expiration : Token expiration time in seconds. Tokens are cached until there are less than 10 minutes left to expiration. Default: 900 - the API will not accept more than 20 minutes expiration time for most requests.

  • jwt_payload : Extra items to append to the JWT payload. Allows extending the module to support more/newer versions of Apple APIs. For example, for the Apple Store Server API you'd need to add:

     jwt_payload => {bid => $bundle_id}



    my $res = $asc->get(
        url    => $url,
        raw    => $raw?,
        params => \%query_params?

Fetches the requested API url, by default, it will use JSON to decode it directly to a Perl hash, unless you request raw result as a string.

Requires LWP::UserAgent, unless the curl option was set.

If the request is not successful, it will die throwing the HTTP::Response->status_line.

  • url : A URL to an API endpoint. Can pass the full URL, e.g. url => '', or you can omit the part up to v1/ (i.e. url => 'apps').

  • params : Any other query params that you need to pass (see API documentation).


    my $res = $asc->get_response(
        url    => $url,
        raw    => $raw?,
        params => \%query_params?

Same as get except it returns the full HTTP::Response from the API (so you can handle bad requests yourself).



    my $jwt = $asc->jwt(
        iat => $iat?,
        exp => $exp?

Returns the JSON Web Token string in case you need it. Will return a cached one if it has more than 5 minutes until expiration and you don't explicitly pass an exp argument.

  • iat : Specify the token creation timestamp. Default is time().

  • exp : Specify the token expiration timestamp. Passing this parameter will force the creation of a new token. Default is time()+900 (or what you specified in the constructor).


    my $res = $asc->get_apps(
        id     => $app_id?,
        path   => $path?,
        params => \%query_params?

Without arguments it is similar to get(url=>"apps", fetching the list of apps, but does some extra processing to return a Perl hash with app IDs as keys and the app attributes as values.

There are optional arguments to get details of a specific app or app resource:

  • id : The app ID. Specifying just the id will return the details for a single app.

  • path : Requires id and is similar to get(url=>"apps/$app_id/$path"), returning a specific resource type for an app, except it does the convenience processing where a hash with the ids of this resource as keys are returned and the attributes as values (unless the specific resource does not follow that pattern). See API documentation for path support (e.g. builds, appAvailability, appPriceSchedule, customerReviews etc.).

  • params : Any other query params that you need to pass (see API documentation).


Apple Store Server API

You can use this module with the Apple Store Server API by passing your app's bundle ID to the JWT payload. So there is just one addition to the constructor call:

    my $assa = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
        issuer      => $API_key_issuer,
        key_id      => $key_id,
        key         => $private_key,
        jwt_payload => {bid => $bundle_id}

You can then pass custon Store Server API requests:

    my $res = $assa->get(url => "$transactionId");


Note that currently only GET requests are implemented, as that is what I needed. However, POST/PATCH/DELETE can be added upon request.

403 Unauthorized etc errors

If you suddenly start getting unauthorized errors with a token that should be valid, log onto App Store Connect and see if you have any documents pending approval (e.g tax documents, new terms etc).


Dimitrios Kechagias, <dkechag at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests either on GitHub (preferred), or on RT (via the email bug-Apple-AppStoreConnect at or web interface).

I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.



This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Dimitrios Kechagias.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.