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0.030 2020-07-21T19:37:43Z
    - Use github actions instead of travis/appveyor
    - Fix documentation issue (#10) (thanks themage)

0.029 2020-01-02T19:09:18Z
    - Fixed minor typo in the pod (manwar)

0.028 2019-12-30T19:33:00Z
    - Several doc issues (haukex)

0.027 2018-12-11T21:03:59Z

    - Fixed typo in SYNOPSIS (smonff)
0.026 2018-06-25T14:28:24Z
    - Fixes problems on unpriviledges installs after sudo installs
0.025 2018-06-06T13:10:09Z
	- Fixed minor typo in the pod (manwar)
0.024 2018-06-06T00:31:19Z
    - rm accidentally added file
    - typos at pod
    - update pod
0.023 2018-05-29T00:17:22Z
    - using Mojo::Reactor::Poll in tests
0.022 2018-05-28T19:15:55Z
    - new locking scheme, one file per cron line
0.021 2018-05-28T04:08:37Z
    - assure tmp dir is empty in tests
0.020 2018-05-28T03:58:18Z
    - fix temporary directories
0.019 2018-05-28T03:30:22Z
	- cpan release
0.018 2018-05-28T03:29:22Z
    - use temporary directory for tests
0.017 2018-05-27T23:12:25Z
    - minimal version on cpanfile requirements
0.016 2018-05-27T17:09:48Z
    - adds simple example
0.015 2018-05-27T16:55:07Z
    - waits for ioloop to start with ->next_tick
    - added pod info for extended syntax
0.014 2018-05-27T02:50:53Z
	- Fix typo
0.013 2018-05-27T02:41:51Z
    - First cpan release
0.011 2018-05-27T01:56:13Z
    - travis: perl versions 5.22+
0.010 2018-05-27T00:26:41Z
	- Added badges for travis & appveyor
0.009 2018-05-27T00:19:45Z
    - Added Test2::V0 dependency
0.008 2018-05-27T00:11:00Z
    - Fix .travis & .appveyor files location (move to repo root)
0.007 2018-05-27T00:03:21Z
    - Adds travis & appveyor tests
0.006 2018-05-26T23:16:48Z
    - Pod corrections
0.005 2018-05-26T23:13:14Z
	- Prevents tmp directory deletion
0.004 2018-05-17T01:31:23Z
    - Get rid of AUTOLOAD cron
    - New synopsis
0.003 2018-05-10T14:50:55Z
    - Separate cron temp directories by mojo mode
0.002 2018-05-10T02:41:49Z
    - First tests passing
0.001 2018-05-10T00:32:30Z
    - Initial commit