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Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Connector.

0.33  2010-03-31T22:56:07
      - A few useful documentation improvements, thanks to Quinn Weaver.
      - Added `in_txn()`, which returns true when the connection is in a
        transaction and false when it's not.

0.32  2010-02-22T20:15:50
      - Switched to using `FETCH()` and `STORE()` to get and set DBI
        attributes where possible. The primary reason is to avoid death during
        global destruction, when the DBI's `tie`d interface can sometimes be
        pulled out from under us. Switched to the OO interface througout to be

0.31  2009-11-09T01:54:52
      - Added missing version numbers to DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite
        and the proxy class used by `with()`.
      - Fixed orphaned references to DBIx::Connection to properly be
      - Removed methods deprecated in 0.20: `do()`, `txn_do()`, `svp_do()`,
        and `clear_cache()`.
      - Some refactoring and code cleanup.
      - Some doc typos corrected by Robert Buels.
      - Fixed test failure on Win32.

0.30  2009-10-29T21:31:02
      - Compatibility change: Additional arguments to `run()`, `txn()`, and
        `svp()` are no longer passed on to the execution of the block, since
        they are immediately available to the closure, anyway. This simplifies
        things for integrated exception handling (next item).
      - Added integrated exception-handling support to `run()`, `txn()`, and
        `svp()`. Thanks to Mark Lawrence for the suggestion.
      - Removed the undocumented `savepoint()`, `release()`, and
        `rollback_to()` methods from DBIx::Connector, since those methods are
        in the drivers, and so were redundant.
      - Fixed the `author` section of `META.yml`.
      - `svp()` no longer throws an exception whe used with an RDBMS that
        doesn't support savepoints. In such situations, savepoints are treated
        as a no-op, and thus the transactional behavior of `svp()` becomes the
        same as `txn()`.
      - Moved up the discussion of calling `svp()` outside of a transaction in
        the documentation.

0.20  2009-10-20T22:33:00
      - Compatibility changes:
        + Added `run()`, `txn()`, and `svp()` as replacements for `do()`,
          `txn_do()`, and `svp_do()`. The latter will issue a warning when
          called, and be removed in two releases.
        + Eliminated caching and mod_perl special-casing.
      - Fixed the GitHub links for realz.
      - Updated minimum required Test::More to 0.88 so that testing classes
        with `isa_ok()` will work as expected. Thanks to mlawren for the spot.
      - Fixed bug passing arguments on retry in `txn()`. Thanks to [Mark
        Lawrence]( for the pull request.
      - Fixed a bug in `txn()` where it would fail to notify other blocks that
        it was running the block when the user started a transaction.
      - Changed `dbh()` so that it does not call `ping()` when it is called
        from within a code reference passed to a `run*()` method.
      - Made the docs with regard to the re-execution of a code reference
        passed to `run()` and friends in fixup mode more accurate, thanks to
        Tim Bunce.
      - Fetching a cached database handle now always checks its `Active`
        attribute as well as different process and thread IDs. The only thing
        not always done is `ping`ing the database.
      - Added `with()`.

0.12  2009-10-06T16:29:16
      - Fixed the GitHub links, which were still using the old name.
      - Removed `use feature` and `use utf8` from `t/pod-coverage.t` -- those
        were pastos from another project.
      - Removed `use DBD::SQLite` from DBix::Connector::Driver::SQLite. It
        will already have been loaded by the time that code loads.

0.11  2009-10-05T22:05:29
      - Filled in the important details in the README.
      - Changed name from DBIx::Connection to DBIx::Connector, as there is
        already a module called DBIx::Connection on the CPAN.

0.10  2009-10-05T21:16:03
      - Initial version, with code borrowed from DBIx::Class, Apache::DBI,
        Catalyst::Model::DBI, and various other locales.