package Geo::Address::Formatter; $Geo::Address::Formatter::VERSION = '1.9982'; # ABSTRACT: take structured address data and format it according to the various global/country rules use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say); use Clone qw(clone); use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Ref::Util qw(is_hashref); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Text::Hogan::Compiler; use Try::Catch; use YAML::XS qw(LoadFile); use utf8; my $THC = Text::Hogan::Compiler->new; # optional params my $show_warnings = 1; my $debug = 0; my $only_address = 0; sub new { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $self = {}; my $conf_path = $params{conf_path} || die "no conf_path set"; # optional params if ( defined($params{no_warnings}) && ($params{no_warnings})){ $show_warnings = 0; } $only_address = (defined($params{only_address}) && $params{only_address}) // 0; $debug = (defined($params{debug}) && $params{debug}) // 0; $self->{final_components} = undef; $self->{set_district_alias} = {}; bless($self, $class); say STDERR "************* in Geo::Address::Formatter::new ***" if ($debug); if ($self->_read_configuration($conf_path)){ return $self; } die 'unable to read configuration'; } sub _read_configuration { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; return if (! -e $path); # components file my $compyaml = $path . '/components.yaml'; return if (! -e $compyaml); $self->{templates} = {}; $self->{component_aliases} = {}; $self->{component2type} = {}; $self->{ordered_components} = []; # read the config file(s) my $loaded = 0; my $wwfile = $path . '/countries/worldwide.yaml'; say STDERR "loading templates $wwfile" if ($debug); return if (! -e $wwfile); try { my $rh_templates = LoadFile($wwfile); foreach (keys %$rh_templates) { $self->{templates}{$_} = $rh_templates->{$_}; $loaded = 1; } } catch { warn "error parsing country configuration in $wwfile"; return; }; return if ($loaded == 0); # no templates # see if we can load the components try { say STDERR "loading components" if ($debug); my @c = LoadFile($compyaml); if ($debug){ say STDERR Dumper \@c; } foreach my $rh_c (@c) { if (defined($rh_c->{name})){ if (defined($rh_c->{aliases})){ $self->{component_aliases}{$rh_c->{name}} = $rh_c->{aliases}; } else { $self->{component_aliases}{$rh_c->{name}} = []; } } } foreach my $rh_c (@c) { push(@{$self->{ordered_components}}, $rh_c->{name}); $self->{component2type}->{$rh_c->{name}} = $rh_c->{name}; if (defined($rh_c->{aliases})) { foreach my $alias (@{$rh_c->{aliases}}) { push(@{$self->{ordered_components}}, $alias); $self->{component2type}->{$alias} = $rh_c->{name}; } } } if ($debug){ say STDERR 'component_aliases'; say STDERR Dumper $self->{component_aliases}; say STDERR 'ordered_components'; say STDERR Dumper $self->{ordered_components}; say STDERR 'component2type'; say STDERR Dumper $self->{component2type}; } } catch { warn "error parsing component configuration: $_"; }; # get the county and state codes and country2lang conf my @conf_files = qw(county_codes state_codes country2lang); foreach my $cfile (@conf_files) { $self->{$cfile} = {}; my $yfile = $path . '/' . $cfile . '.yaml'; if (-e $yfile) { try { $self->{$cfile} = LoadFile($yfile); } catch { warn "error parsing $cfile configuration: $_"; }; } } my $abbrvdir = $path . '/abbreviations'; if (-d $abbrvdir){ opendir my $dh, $abbrvdir or die "Could not open '$abbrvdir' for read: $!\n"; while (my $file = readdir $dh) { # say STDERR "file: $file"; if ($file =~ m/^(\w\w)\.yaml$/) { my $lang = $1; # two letter lang code like 'en' my $abbrvfile = $abbrvdir . '/' . $file; try { $self->{abbreviations}->{$lang} = LoadFile($abbrvfile); } catch { warn "error parsing abbrv conf in $abbrvfile: $_"; }; } } closedir $dh; } #say Dumper $self->{abbreviations}; #say Dumper $self->{country2lang}; return 1; } sub final_components { my $self = shift; if (defined($self->{final_components})) { return $self->{final_components}; } warn 'final_components not yet set' if ($show_warnings); return; } sub format_address { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = clone(shift) || return; my $rh_options = shift || {}; # 1. make sure empty at the beginning $self->{final_components} = undef; if ($debug){ say STDERR "*** in format_address ***"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_options; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } # 2. deal with the options # 2a. which country format will we use? # might have been specified in options # otherwise look at components my $cc = $rh_options->{country} || $self->_determine_country_code($rh_components) || ''; if ($cc) { $rh_components->{country_code} = $cc; $self->_set_district_alias($cc); } # 2b. should we abbreviate? my $abbrv = $rh_options->{abbreviate} // 0; # 2c. was only_address set at the formatting level my $oa = $only_address; if (defined($rh_options->{only_address})){ $oa = $rh_options->{only_address}; } if ($debug){ say STDERR "component_aliases"; say STDERR Dumper $self->{component_aliases}; } # done with the options # 3. set the aliases, unless this would overwrite something # need to do this in the right order (as defined in the components file) # For example: # both 'city_district' and 'suburb' are aliases of 'neighbourhood' # so which one should we use if both are present? # We should use the one defined first in the list my $rhh_p2a; foreach my $c (keys %$rh_components){ # might not need an alias as it is a primary type next if (defined($self->{component_aliases}{$c})); # it is not a primary type # is there an alias? if (defined($self->{component2type}{$c})){ my $ptype = $self->{component2type}{$c}; # but is it already set? if (! defined($rh_components->{$ptype}) ){ # no, we will set it later $rhh_p2a->{$ptype}{$c} = 1; } } } # now we know which primary types have aliases foreach my $ptype (keys %$rhh_p2a){ # is there more than one? my @aliases = keys %{$rhh_p2a->{$ptype}}; if (scalar @aliases == 1){ $rh_components->{$ptype} = $rh_components->{$aliases[0]}; next; # we are done with this ptype } # if there is more than one we need to go through the list # so we do them in the right order foreach my $c (@{$self->{component_aliases}->{$ptype}}){ if (defined($rh_components->{$c})){ $rh_components->{$ptype} = $rh_components->{$c}; last; # we are done with this ptype } } } if ($debug){ say STDERR "after component_aliases applied"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } # 4. deal wtih terrible inputs $self->_sanity_cleaning($rh_components); if ($debug){ say STDERR "after sanity_cleaning applied"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } # 5. determine the template my $template_text; my $rh_config = $self->{templates}{uc($cc)} || $self->{templates}{default}; if (defined($rh_options->{address_template})) { $template_text = $rh_options->{address_template}; } else { if (defined($rh_config->{address_template})) { $template_text = $rh_config->{address_template}; } elsif (defined($self->{templates}{default}{address_template})) { $template_text = $self->{templates}{default}{address_template}; } # do we have the minimal components for an address? # or should we instead use the fallback template? if (!$self->_minimal_components($rh_components)) { say STDERR "using fallback" if ($debug); if (defined($rh_config->{fallback_template})) { $template_text = $rh_config->{fallback_template}; } elsif (defined($self->{templates}{default}{fallback_template})) { $template_text = $self->{templates}{default}{fallback_template}; } # no fallback } } say STDERR 'template text: ' . $template_text if ($debug); # 6. clean up the components, possibly add codes $self->_fix_country($rh_components); if ($debug){ say STDERR "after fix_country"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } $self->_apply_replacements($rh_components, $rh_config->{replace}); if ($debug){ say STDERR "after applying_replacements applied"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } $self->_add_state_code($rh_components); $self->_add_county_code($rh_components); if ($debug){ say STDERR "after adding codes"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; } # 7. add the attention, if needed if ($debug){ say STDERR "object level only_address: $only_address"; say STDERR "formatting level only_address: $oa"; } if ($oa){ if ($debug){ say STDERR "not looking for unknown_components"; say STDERR "only_address was specified"; } } else { my $ra_unknown = $self->_find_unknown_components($rh_components); if ($debug){ say STDERR "unknown_components:"; say STDERR Dumper $ra_unknown; } if (scalar(@$ra_unknown)){ $rh_components->{attention} = join(', ', map { $rh_components->{$_} } @$ra_unknown); if ($debug){ say STDERR "putting unknown_components in 'attention'"; } } } # 8. abbreviate, if needed if ($abbrv) { $rh_components = $self->_abbreviate($rh_components); } # 9. prepare the template $template_text = $self->_replace_template_lambdas($template_text); # 10. compiled the template my $compiled_template = $THC->compile($template_text, {'numeric_string_as_string' => 1}); if ($debug){ say STDERR "before _render_template"; say STDERR Dumper $rh_components; say STDERR "template: "; say STDERR Dumper $compiled_template; } # 11. render the template my $text = $self->_render_template($compiled_template, $rh_components); if ($debug){ say STDERR "text after _render_template $text"; } # 11. postformatting $text = $self->_postformat($text, $rh_config->{postformat_replace}); # 12. clean again $text = $self->_clean($text); # 13. set final components $self->{final_components} = $rh_components; # all done return $text; } # remove duplicates ("Berlin, Berlin"), do replacements and similar sub _postformat { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; my $raa_rules = shift; if ($debug){ say STDERR "entering _postformat: $text" } # remove duplicates my @before_pieces = split(/, /, $text); my %seen; my @after_pieces; foreach my $piece (@before_pieces) { $piece =~ s/^\s+//g; $seen{$piece}++; if (lc($piece) ne 'new york') { next if ($seen{$piece} > 1); } push(@after_pieces, $piece); } $text = join(', ', @after_pieces); # do any country specific rules foreach my $ra_fromto (@$raa_rules) { try { my $regexp = qr/$ra_fromto->[0]/; my $replacement = $ra_fromto->[1]; # ultra hack to do substitution # limited to $1 and $2, should really be a while loop # doing every substitution if ($replacement =~ m/\$\d/) { if ($text =~ m/$regexp/) { my $tmp1 = $1; my $tmp2 = $2; my $tmp3 = $3; $replacement =~ s/\$1/$tmp1/; $replacement =~ s/\$2/$tmp2/; $replacement =~ s/\$3/$tmp3/; } } $text =~ s/$regexp/$replacement/; } catch { warn "invalid replacement: " . join(', ', @$ra_fromto); }; } return $text; } sub _sanity_cleaning { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift || return; # catch insane postcodes if (defined($rh_components->{'postcode'})) { if (length($rh_components->{'postcode'}) > 20) { delete $rh_components->{'postcode'}; } elsif ($rh_components->{'postcode'} =~ m/\d+;\d+/) { # sometimes OSM has postcode ranges delete $rh_components->{'postcode'}; } elsif ($rh_components->{'postcode'} =~ m/^(\d{5}),\d{5}/) { $rh_components->{'postcode'} = $1; } } # remove things that might be empty foreach my $c (keys %$rh_components) { # catch empty values if (!defined($rh_components->{$c})) { delete $rh_components->{$c}; } # no chars elsif ($rh_components->{$c} !~ m/\w/) { delete $rh_components->{$c}; } # catch values containing URLs elsif ($rh_components->{$c} =~ m|https?://|) { delete $rh_components->{$c}; } } return; } sub _minimal_components { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift || return; my @required_components = qw(road postcode); #FIXME - should be in conf my $missing = 0; # number of required components missing my $minimal_threshold = 2; foreach my $c (@required_components) { $missing++ if (!defined($rh_components->{$c})); return 0 if ($missing == $minimal_threshold); } return 1; } my %valid_replacement_components = ('state' => 1,); # determines which country code to use # may also override other configuration if we are dealing with # a dependent territory sub _determine_country_code { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift || return; # FIXME - validate it is a valid country return if (!defined($rh_components->{country_code})); if (my $cc = lc($rh_components->{country_code})) { # is it two letters long? return if ($cc !~ m/^[a-z][a-z]$/); return 'GB' if ($cc eq 'uk'); $cc = uc($cc); # check if the configuration tells us to use # the configuration of another country # used in cases of dependent territories like # American Samoa (AS) and Puerto Rico (PR) if ( defined($self->{templates}{$cc}) && defined($self->{templates}{$cc}{use_country})) { my $old_cc = $cc; $cc = $self->{templates}{$cc}{use_country}; if (defined($self->{templates}{$old_cc}{change_country})) { my $new_country = $self->{templates}{$old_cc}{change_country}; if ($new_country =~ m/\$(\w*)/) { my $component = $1; if (defined($rh_components->{$component})) { $new_country =~ s/\$$component/$rh_components->{$component}/; } else { $new_country =~ s/\$$component//; } } $rh_components->{country} = $new_country; } if (defined($self->{templates}{$old_cc}{add_component})) { my $tmp = $self->{templates}{$old_cc}{add_component}; my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $tmp); # check whitelist of valid replacement components if (defined($valid_replacement_components{$k})) { $rh_components->{$k} = $v; } } } if ($cc eq 'NL') { if (defined($rh_components->{state})) { if ($rh_components->{state} eq 'Curaçao') { $cc = 'CW'; $rh_components->{country} = 'Curaçao'; } elsif ($rh_components->{state} =~ m/^sint maarten/i) { $cc = 'SX'; $rh_components->{country} = 'Sint Maarten'; } elsif ($rh_components->{state} =~ m/^Aruba/i) { $cc = 'AW'; $rh_components->{country} = 'Aruba'; } } } return $cc; } return; } # hacks for bad country data sub _fix_country { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift || return; # is the country a number? # if so, and there is a state, use state as country if (defined($rh_components->{country})) { if (looks_like_number($rh_components->{country})) { if (defined($rh_components->{state})) { $rh_components->{country} = $rh_components->{state}; delete $rh_components->{state}; } } } return; } # sets and returns a state code # note may also set other values in some odd edge cases sub _add_state_code { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift; return $self->_add_code('state', $rh_components); } sub _add_county_code { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift; return $self->_add_code('county', $rh_components); } sub _add_code { my $self = shift; my $keyname = shift // return; my $rh_components = shift; return if !$rh_components->{country_code}; # do we know country? return if !$rh_components->{$keyname}; # do we know state/county? my $code = $keyname . '_code'; if (defined($rh_components->{$code})) { # do we already have code? # but could have situation # where code and long name are # the same which we want to correct if ($rh_components->{$code} ne $rh_components->{$keyname}) { return; } } # ensure country_code is uppercase as we use it as conf key $rh_components->{country_code} = uc($rh_components->{country_code}); my $cc = $rh_components->{country_code}; if (my $mapping = $self->{$code . 's'}{$cc}) { my $name = $rh_components->{$keyname}; my $uc_name = uc($name); LOCCODE: foreach my $abbrv (keys %$mapping) { my @confnames; # can have multiple names for the place # for example in different languages if (is_hashref($mapping->{$abbrv})) { push(@confnames, values %{$mapping->{$abbrv}}); } else { push(@confnames, $mapping->{$abbrv}); } foreach my $confname (@confnames) { if ($uc_name eq uc($confname)) { $rh_components->{$code} = $abbrv; last LOCCODE; } # perhaps instead of passing in a name, we passed in a code # example: state => 'NC' # we want to turn that into # state => 'North Carolina' # state_code => 'NC' # if ($uc_name eq $abbrv) { $rh_components->{$keyname} = $confname; $rh_components->{$code} = $abbrv; last LOCCODE; } } } # didn't find a valid code or name # try again for odd variants like "United States Virgin Islands" if ($keyname eq 'state') { if (!defined($rh_components->{state_code})) { if ($cc eq 'US') { if ($rh_components->{state} =~ m/^united states/i) { my $state = $rh_components->{state}; $state =~ s/^United States/US/i; foreach my $k (keys %$mapping) { if (uc($state) eq uc($k)) { $rh_components->{state_code} = $mapping->{$k}; last; } } } if ($rh_components->{state} =~ m/^washington,? d\.?c\.?/i) { $rh_components->{state_code} = 'DC'; $rh_components->{state} = 'District of Columbia'; $rh_components->{city} = 'Washington'; } } } } } return $rh_components->{$code}; } sub _apply_replacements { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift; my $raa_rules = shift; if ($debug){ say STDERR "in _apply_replacements"; say STDERR Dumper $raa_rules; } foreach my $component (keys %$rh_components) { foreach my $ra_fromto (@$raa_rules) { my $regexp; # do key specific replacement if ($ra_fromto->[0] =~ m/^$component=/){ my $from = $ra_fromto->[0]; $from =~ s/^$component=//; if ($rh_components->{$component} eq $from){ $rh_components->{$component} = $ra_fromto->[1]; } else { $regexp = $from; } } else { $regexp = $ra_fromto->[0]; } if (defined($regexp)){ try { my $re = qr/$regexp/; $rh_components->{$component} =~ s/$re/$ra_fromto->[1]/; } catch { warn "invalid replacement: " . join(', ', @$ra_fromto); }; } } } return $rh_components; } sub _abbreviate { my $self = shift; my $rh_comp = shift // return; # do we know the country? if (!defined($rh_comp->{country_code})) { if ($show_warnings){ my $error_msg = 'no country_code, unable to abbreviate'; if (defined($rh_comp->{country})) { $error_msg .= ' - country: ' . $rh_comp->{country}; } warn $error_msg } return; } # do we have abbreviations for this country? my $cc = uc($rh_comp->{country_code}); # 1. which languages? if (defined($self->{country2lang}{$cc})) { my @langs = split(/,/, $self->{country2lang}{$cc}); foreach my $lang (@langs) { # do we have abbrv for this lang? if (defined($self->{abbreviations}->{$lang})) { my $rh_abbr = $self->{abbreviations}->{$lang}; foreach my $comp_name (keys %$rh_abbr) { next if (!defined($rh_comp->{$comp_name})); foreach my $long (keys %{$rh_abbr->{$comp_name}}) { my $short = $rh_abbr->{$comp_name}->{$long}; $rh_comp->{$comp_name} =~ s/\b$long\b/$short/; } } } else { #warn "no abbreviations defined for lang $lang"; } } } return $rh_comp; } # " abc,,def , ghi " => 'abc, def, ghi' sub _clean { my $self = shift; my $out = shift // return; if ($debug){ say STDERR "entering _clean \n$out"; } $out =~ s/\'\;/'/g; $out =~ s/[\},\s]+$//; $out =~ s/^[,\s]+//; $out =~ s/^- //; # line starting with dash due to a parameter missing $out =~ s/,\s*,/, /g; # multiple commas to one $out =~ s/\h+,\h+/, /g; # one horiz whitespace behind comma $out =~ s/\h\h+/ /g; # multiple horiz whitespace to one $out =~ s/\h\n/\n/g; # horiz whitespace, newline to newline $out =~ s/\n,/\n/g; # newline comma to just newline $out =~ s/,,+/,/g; # multiple commas to one $out =~ s/,\n/\n/g; # comma newline to just newline $out =~ s/\n\h+/\n/g; # newline plus space to newline $out =~ s/\n\n+/\n/g; # multiple newline to one # final dedupe across and within lines my @before_pieces = split(/\n/, $out); my %seen_lines; my @after_pieces; foreach my $line (@before_pieces) { $line =~ s/^\h+//g; $line =~ s/\h+$//g; $seen_lines{$line}++; next if ($seen_lines{$line} > 1); # now dedupe within the line my @before_words = split(/,/, $line); my %seen_words; my @after_words; foreach my $w (@before_words) { $w =~ s/^\h+//g; $w =~ s/\h+$//g; if (lc($w) ne 'new york') { $seen_words{$w}++; } next if ((defined($seen_words{$w})) && ($seen_words{$w} > 1)); push(@after_words, $w); } $line = join(', ', @after_words); push(@after_pieces, $line); } $out = join("\n", @after_pieces); $out =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespace $out =~ s/\s+$//; # remove end whitespace $out .= "\n"; # add final newline return $out; # we are done } sub _render_template { my $self = shift; my $thtemplate = shift; my $components = shift; # Mustache calls it context my $context = clone($components); say STDERR 'context: ' . Dumper $context if ($debug); my $output = $thtemplate->render($context); $output = $self->_evaluate_template_lamdas($output); say STDERR "in _render before _clean: $output" if ($debug); $output = $self->_clean($output); # is it empty? # if yes and there is only one component then just use that one if ($output !~ m/\w/) { my @comps = sort keys %$components; if (scalar(@comps) == 1) { foreach my $k (@comps) { $output = $components->{$k}; } } # FIXME what if more than one? } return $output; } # Text::Hogan apparently caches lambdas when rendering templates. In the past # we needed our lambda 'first', example # {{#first}} {{{city}}} || {{{town}}} {{/first}} # to evaluate the componentes. Whenever the lambda was called with different # component values it consumed memory. Now replace with a simpler implementation # sub _replace_template_lambdas { my $self = shift; my $template_text = shift; $template_text =~ s!\Q{{#first}}\E(.+?)\Q{{/first}}\E!FIRSTSTART${1}FIRSTEND!g; return $template_text; } # We only use a lambda named 'first' sub _evaluate_template_lamdas { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; $text =~ s!FIRSTSTART\s*(.+?)\s*FIRSTEND!_select_first($1)!seg; return $text; } # '|| val1 || || val3' => 'val1' sub _select_first { my $text = shift; my @a_parts = grep { length($_) } split(/\s*\|\|\s*/, $text); return scalar(@a_parts) ? $a_parts[0] : ''; } my %small_district = ( 'br' => 1, 'cr' => 1, 'es' => 1, 'ni' => 1, 'py' => 1, 'ro' => 1, 'tg' => 1, 'tm' => 1, 'xk' => 1, ); # correct the alias for "district" # in OSM some countries use district to mean "city_district" # others to mean "state_district" sub _set_district_alias { my $self = shift; my $cc = shift; # this may get called repeatedly # no need to do the work again if (defined($cc)){ my $ucc = uc($cc); return if (defined($self->{set_district_alias}{$ucc})); $self->{set_district_alias}{$ucc} = 1; } my $oldalias; if (defined($small_district{$cc})){ $self->{component2type}{district} = 'neighbourhood'; $oldalias = 'state_district'; # add to the neighbourhood alias list # though of course we are just sticking it at the end push(@{$self->{component_aliases}{'neighbourhood'}}, 'district'); } else { # set 'district' to be type 'state_district' $self->{component2type}{district} = 'state_district'; $oldalias = 'neighbourhood'; # add to the state_district alias list push(@{$self->{component_aliases}{'state_district'}}, 'district'); } # remove from the old alias list my @temp = grep { $_ ne 'district' } @{$self->{component_aliases}{$oldalias}}; $self->{component_aliases}{$oldalias} = \@temp; return; } # returns [] sub _find_unknown_components { my $self = shift; my $rh_components = shift; my %h_known = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{ordered_components}}; my @a_unknown = grep { !exists($h_known{$_}) } sort keys %$rh_components; return \@a_unknown; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Geo::Address::Formatter - take structured address data and format it according to the various global/country rules =head1 VERSION version 1.9982 =head1 SYNOPSIS # # get the templates (or use your own) # git clone # my $GAF = Geo::Address::Formatter->new( conf_path => '/path/to/templates' ); my $components = { ... } my $text = $GAF->format_address($components, { country => 'FR' } ); my $rh_final_components = $GAF->final_components(); # # or if we want shorter output # my $short_text = $GAF->format_address($components, { country => 'FR', abbreviate => 1, }); =head2 new my $GAF = Geo::Address::Formatter->new( conf_path => '/path/to/templates' ); Returns one instance. The I<conf_path> is required. Optional parameters are: I<debug>: prints tons of debugging info for use in development. I<no_warnings>: turns off a few warnings if configuration is not optimal. I<only_address>: formatted will only contain known components (will not include POI names). Note, can be overridden with optional param to format_address method. =head2 final_components my $rh_components = $GAF->final_components(); returns a reference to a hash of the final components that are set at the completion of B<format_address>. Warns if called before they have been set (unless I<no_warnings> was set at object creation). =head2 format_address my $text = $GAF->format_address(\%components, \%options ); Given a structures address (hashref) and options (hashref) returns a formatted address. Possible options are: 'abbreviate', if supplied common abbreviations are applied to the resulting output. 'address_template', a mustache format template to be used instead of the template defined in the configuration 'country', which should be an uppercase ISO 3166-1:alpha-2 code e.g. 'GB' for Great Britain, 'DE' for Germany, etc. If ommited we try to find the country in the address components. 'only_address', same as only_address global option but set at formatting level =head1 DESCRIPTION You have a structured postal address (hash) and need to convert it into a readable address based on the format of the address country. For example, you have: { house_number => 12, street => 'Avenue Road', postcode => 45678, city => 'Deville' } you need: Great Britain: 12 Avenue Road, Deville 45678 France: 12 Avenue Road, 45678 Deville Germany: Avenue Road 12, 45678 Deville Latvia: Avenue Road 12, Deville, 45678 It gets more complicated with 200+ countries and territories and dozens more address components to consider. This module comes with a minimal configuration to run tests. Instead of developing your own configuration please use (and contribute to) those in which includes test cases. Together we can address the world! =head1 AUTHOR Ed Freyfogle =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Opencage GmbH. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut