Revision history for Perl module TaskForest
1.13 Mon Jun 02 2008
The behavior of recurring jobs that are scheduled in a foreign time zone
was not well defined. Now, the 'start' and 'until' of recurring jobs are
always based on the most specific timezone of the job.
1.12 Sun Jun 01 2008
A border-condition bug dealing with foreign timezones crossing a date
boundary was fixed.
1.11 Wed May 28 2008
Minor errors in the documentation and logging
were fixed. A test case that was returing
false negatives was made more robust.
1.10 Mon May 26 2008
Syntax error checking was added to the Family
file parser. Optional logging of STDOUT and
STDERR is now possible. The mark and rerun
commands can now act on just the job specified,
or on all its dependents or on both - the job and
its dependents. Finally, a config file can now
be used in lieu of command-line options or
environment variables.
New options are:
A sample config file can be found in the main
directory as well as in the pod for TaskForest.
Please see the TaskForest pod for more details:
perldoc TaskForest
man TaskForest
Because of these changes, there are two new
Log::Log4perl version 1.16 or higher
Config::General version 2.38 or higher
1.09 Sun Apr 27 2008
Two new scripts were added: 'rerun' schedules
A job to be rerun, and 'mark' marks a
previously job as Success or Failure. A new
'chained' option was added to the definition
of repeat jobs, and a '--collapsed' option was
added to the status script.
1) The 'rerun' script makes a job available to be
rerun, regardless of whether or not it ran
successfuly. It does this by renaming the
job's log files from FF.JJ.* to
FF.JJ--Orig_n--.* where n is an integer that
starts at 1 for the first rerun, and is
incremented by one at every rerun.
2) The 'mark' job marks a job as 'Success' or
'Failure', regardless of whether or not it ran
successfully. It does this by renaming the job
rc file from FF.JJ.x to FF.JJ.0 (in the case of
Success) or FF.JJ.1 (in the case of Failure).
If the job's status is already as requested, a
warning is printed, and nothing is done.
3) By default, repeat jobs (those that have the
'every' and 'until' options) have only one
dependency - their time dependency. They are
not dependent on each other. In retrospect,
the correct behavior should have been to make
the jobs also dependent on each other.
Consider the case where a job is to run every
hour, but for whatever reason, taskforest does
not run until half-way through the day. This
would cause half of the jobs to run at the same
time at the first opportunity. The new
'chained' option makes the repeat jobs
dependent on each other.
4) Also related to repeat jobs: the new
--collapsed option to the status command
prevents repeat jobs that are in the 'Waiting'
state from being displayed. This is especially
useful when you have a job scheduled to be run
once every minute, and it's only 8:00 a.m. You
probably wouldn't want to see 960 entries when
one would suffice.
1.08 Mon Apr 07 20:52:00 2008
A couple of the files required for the most recent test case was
missing from the distribution. Added those files to the
distribution. No code changes are present in this distribution.
1.07 Sun Apr 06 20:50:00 2008
A major bug was fixed in this release. Long-running jobs (that ran for
longer than the wait time, or longer than the time between two
invocations of taskforest) were not recognized as such. This caused
the jobs to be marked as 'Ready' and not 'Running', causing them to
be run again. All users are urged to upgrade to this release and
make sure to use the current version of the 'run' wrapper.
1.06 Fri Apr 04 22:00:00 2008
- fixed a bunch of minor bugs
- implement --help functionality
- added $VERSIONS and pod to every .pm file
- got rid of extra call to localtime
- removed the default_timezone command line option
- got rid of redundant regex match for parens in job name
- removed unused variable $forest from Family::readFromFile
- renamed $this_jobs_dependencies to $this_jobs_time_dependencies
- enhancements
- refactored Family::readFromFile into smaller functions
- use croak instead of die
- Added more detailed info into the pid file
- Added more test cases
- Made the Family->display() output prettier
- Added the StringHandle and StringHandleTier class to
make testing easier.
1.05 Fri Mar 28 22:00:00 2008
- added more test cases
- fixed all known bugs
Family::readFromFile makes a Family no longer current
Family::readFromFile now accepts both single and double quotes.
getLogDir throws an exception if the mkdir fails
- Added a DESIGN document
1.04 Sun Mar 23 20:56:00 2008
- added a lot more documentation to the man page and the code
- gave files svn:keyword properties for Date and Revision
1.03 Sat Mar 22 08:29:00 2008
- allow '-' within the job_dir, log_dir and family_dir
1.02 Sat Mar 22 07:22:00 2008
- fixed bug where options weren't being read from the command line properly
1.01 Sat Mar 22 01:05:00 2008
- added bin files to MANIFEST and fixed test
1.00 Thu Mar 20 20:39:24 2008
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51