# $Id: Rerun.pm 40 2008-06-03 00:07:40Z aijaz $

=head1 NAME

TaskForest::Rerun - Functions related to rerunning a job


 use TaskForest::Rerun;

 &TaskForest::Rerun::rerun($family_name, $job_name)


If you're just looking to use the taskforest application, the only
documentation you need to read is that for TaskForest.  You can do this
either of the two ways:

perldoc TaskForest


man TaskForest


This is a simple package that provides a location for the rerun
function, so that it can be used in the test scripts as well. 

=head1 METHODS


package TaskForest::Rerun;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;
use TaskForest::Family;

    use vars qw($VERSION);
    $VERSION     = '1.13';

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=over 4

=item rerun()

 Usage     : rerun($family_name, $job_name, $log_dir)
 Purpose   : Rerun the specified job.  The existing job files will be
             renamed to $family_name.$job_name--Orig_$n--.* where $n
             is the next sequence number (starting from 1). 
 Returns   : Nothing
 Arguments : $family_name - the family name
             $job_name - the job name
             $log_dir - the root log directory
 Throws    : Nothing



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub rerun {
    my ($family_name, $job_name, $log_dir, $cascade, $dependents_only, $family_dir) = @_;

    my $jobs;
    if ($cascade or $dependents_only) {
        $ENV{TF_JOB_DIR}     = 'unnecessary';
        $ENV{TF_RUN_WRAPPER} = 'unnecessary';
        $ENV{TF_LOG_DIR}     = $log_dir;
        $ENV{TF_FAMILY_DIR}  = $family_dir;

        my $family = TaskForest::Family->new(name => $family_name);

        $jobs = $family->findDependentJobs($job_name);

        if ($cascade) {
            push (@$jobs, $job_name);

    else {
        $jobs = [$job_name];

    unless (@$jobs) {
        print STDERR "There are no jobs to rerun.  Did you misspell the job name?\n";
        exit 1;

    foreach my $job (@$jobs) { 
        rerunHelp($family_name, $job, $log_dir);

sub rerunHelp {
    my ($family_name, $job_name, $log_dir) = @_;

    my $rc = 0;
    print "Making job $family_name $job_name available for rerun.\n";

    my $rc_file      = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name.0";
    my $pid_file     = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name.pid";
    my $started_file = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name.started";

    if (!(-e $pid_file)) {
        confess("The pid file $pid_file is missing.  You will need to rerun the job manually.  See rerun --help for instructions.");
    if (!(-e $started_file)) {
        confess("The started file $started_file is missing.  You will need to rerun the job manually.  See rerun --help for instructions.");
    if (!(-e $rc_file)) {
        $rc = 1;
        substr($rc_file, -1, 1) = "1";
        if (!(-e $rc_file)) {
            substr($rc_file, -1, 1) = "[01]";
            confess("The rc file $rc_file is missing.  This means that the job is currently running or has been terminated abnormally.  You will need to rerun the job manually.  See rerun --help for instructions.");

    my @origs = glob("$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name"."--Orig_*--.pid");
    my $next_id = 1;
    if (@origs) {
        my @ids = sort {$a <=> $b} map { /--Orig_(\d+)--/; $1 } @origs;
        my $max = pop(@ids);
        $next_id = $max + 1;

    my $new_rc_file      = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name--Orig_$next_id--.$rc";
    my $new_pid_file     = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name--Orig_$next_id--.pid";
    my $new_started_file = "$log_dir/$family_name.$job_name--Orig_$next_id--.started";

    move($pid_file, $new_pid_file)         || confess ("couldn't move $pid_file to $new_pid_file: $!");
    move($started_file, $new_started_file) || confess ("couldn't move $started_file to $new_started_file: $!");
    move($rc_file, $new_rc_file)           || confess ("couldn't move $rc_file to $new_rc_file: $!");

