Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromRelease
0.007 2017-12-03 07:00:43Z
- minor updates to distribution packaging
0.006 2015-06-16 01:26:52Z
- now with unit tests! :)
- sort data in dumped configs, for consistency between builds
0.005 2015-01-05 19:42:27Z
- iterator now once again works properly when skipping some files
(error introduced in 0.004)
0.004 2014-12-22 02:15:06Z
- use Path::Tiny rather than relying on Dist::Zilla giving us
Path::Class objects (PR#3 Karen Etheridge)
- stop loading (unused) Moose::Autobox (PR#4 Karen Etheridge)
0.003 2014-10-19 07:28:43Z
- dump configs into metadata (Karen Etheridge)
0.002 2014-08-16 00:39:39Z
- include additional metadata
- test that module can compile properly
- specify minimum perl version number
- include README file
0.001 2013-02-12 02:10:05Z
- Initial CPAN release