Changes for version 0.44 - 2014-03-09

  • full respect for namespaces: declared types are now properly installed into the proper package, so they survive namespace::autoclean; however, types imported from the declaration class are still properly cleaned by namespace::autoclean (as implemented in trial versions 0.40-0.43)

Changes for version 0.43 - 2014-01-17 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • line numbers in shipped code are now almost the same (within 3) as the repository source, for easier debugging
  • skipped new namespacing tests that fail with older Moose versions, due to an inability to install blessed subs

Changes for version 0.42 - 2014-01-04 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • declared (not imported) types are now properly installed into the proper package, so they survive namespace::autoclean (fixed this time)


Organise your Moose types in libraries
Type library base class
Wrap Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to be safer for MooseX::Types
Combine type libraries for exporting
Type exports that match the types shipped with Moose
Wraps Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects with added features
a fallback type for when a type cannot be found
Common utility functions for the distribution
Wrap exports from a library