# (c) Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com>

=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands::Cloud - Cloud Management Commands


With this Module you can manage different Cloud services. Currently it supports Amazon EC2, Jiffybox and OpenStack.

Version <= 1.0: All these functions will not be reported.


 use Rex::Commands::Cloud;

 cloud_service "Amazon";
 cloud_auth "your-access-key", "your-private-access-key";
 cloud_region "ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com";

 task "list", sub {
   print Dumper cloud_instance_list;
   print Dumper cloud_volume_list;

 task "create", sub {
   my $vol_id = cloud_volume create => { size => 1, zone => "eu-west-1a", };

   cloud_instance create => {
       image_id => "ami-xxxxxxx",
       name    => "test01",
       key    => "my-key",
       volume  => $vol_id,
       zone    => "eu-west-1a",

 task "destroy", sub {
   cloud_volume detach => "vol-xxxxxxx";
   cloud_volume delete => "vol-xxxxxxx";

   cloud_instance terminate => "i-xxxxxxx";



package Rex::Commands::Cloud;

use v5.12.5;
use warnings;


require Rex::Exporter;
use base qw(Rex::Exporter);
use vars qw(@EXPORT $cloud_service $cloud_region @cloud_auth);

use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Cloud;
use Rex::Group::Entry::Server;

@EXPORT = qw(cloud_instance cloud_volume cloud_network
  cloud_instance_list cloud_volume_list cloud_network_list
  cloud_service cloud_auth cloud_region
  get_cloud_instances_as_group get_cloud_regions get_cloud_availability_zones

  "cloud" => sub {
    my ( $name, @options ) = @_;
    my $sub_name = "cloud_$name";

    if ( $name eq "service" ) {

    if ( $name eq "auth" ) {

    if ( $name eq "region" ) {

=head2 cloud_service($cloud_service)

Define which cloud service to use.

=over 4

=item Services

=over 4

=item Amazon

=item Jiffybox

=item OpenStack




sub cloud_service {
  ($cloud_service) = @_;

  # set retry counter to a higher value
  if ( Rex::Config->get_max_connect_fails() < 5 ) {

=head2 cloud_auth($param1, $param2, ...)

Set the authentication for the cloudservice.

For example for Amazon it is:

 cloud_auth($access_key, $secret_access_key);

For JiffyBox:


For OpenStack:

  tenant_name => 'tenant',
  username    => 'user',
  password    => 'password',


sub cloud_auth {
  @cloud_auth = @_;

=head2 cloud_region($region)

Set the cloud region.


sub cloud_region {
  ($cloud_region) = @_;

=head2 cloud_instance_list

Get all instances of a cloud service.

 task "list", sub {
   for my $instance (cloud_instance_list()) {
     say "Arch  : " . $instance->{"architecture"};
     say "IP   : " . $instance->{"ip"};
     say "ID   : " . $instance->{"id"};
     say "State : " . $instance->{"state"};

There are some parameters for this function that can change the gathering of ip addresses for some cloud providers (like OpenStack).

 task "list", sub {
   my @instances = cloud_instance_list
                      private_network => 'private',
                      public_network  => 'public',
                      public_ip_type  => 'floating',
                      private_ip_type => 'fixed';


sub cloud_instance_list {
  return cloud_object()->list_instances(@_);

=head2 cloud_volume_list

Get all volumes of a cloud service.

 task "list-volumes", sub {
   for my $volume (cloud_volume_list()) {
     say "ID     : " . $volume->{"id"};
     say "Zone    : " . $volume->{"zone"};
     say "State   : " . $volume->{"state"};
     say "Attached : " . $volume->{"attached_to"};


sub cloud_volume_list {
  return cloud_object()->list_volumes();

=head2 cloud_network_list

Get all networks of a cloud service.

 task "network-list", sub {
   for my $network (cloud_network_list()) {
     say "network  : " . $network->{network};
     say "name    : " . $network->{name};
     say "id     : " . $network->{id};


sub cloud_network_list {
  return cloud_object()->list_networks();

=head2 cloud_image_list

Get a list of all available cloud images.


sub cloud_image_list {
  return cloud_object()->list_images();

=head2 cloud_upload_key

Upload public SSH key to cloud provider

 private_key '~/.ssh/mykey
 public_key  '~/.ssh/mykey.pub';

 task "cloudprovider", sub {

   cloud_instance create => {


sub cloud_upload_key {
  return cloud_object()->upload_key();

=head2 get_cloud_instances_as_group

Get a list of all running instances of a cloud service. This can be used for a I<group> definition.

 group fe  => "fe01", "fe02", "fe03";
 group ec2 => get_cloud_instances_as_group();


sub get_cloud_instances_as_group {

  my @list = cloud_object()->list_running_instances();

  my @ret;

  for my $instance (@list) {
    push( @ret, Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $instance->{"ip"} ) );

  return @ret;

=head2 cloud_instance($action, $data)

This function controls all aspects of a cloud instance.


sub cloud_instance {

  my ( $action, $data ) = @_;
  my $cloud = cloud_object();

  if ( $action eq "list" ) {
    return $cloud->list_running_instances();

=head2 create

Create a new instance.

 cloud_instance create => {
     image_id => "ami-xxxxxx",
     key    => "ssh-key",
     name    => "fe-ec2-01",  # name is not necessary
     volume  => "vol-yyyyy",  # volume is not necessary
     zone    => "eu-west-1a",  # zone is not necessary
     floating_ip  => "" # floating_ip is not necessary


  elsif ( $action eq "create" ) {
    my %data_hash = (

      # image_id => $data->{"image_id"},
      # name    => $data->{"name"} || undef,
      # key    => $data->{"key"} || undef,
      # zone    => $data->{"zone"} || undef,
      # volume  => $data->{"volume"} || undef,
      # password => $data->{"password"} || undef,
      # plan_id  => $data->{"plan_id"} || undef,
      # type    => $data->{"type"} || undef,
      # security_group => $data->{"security_group"} || undef,


=head2 start

Start an existing instance

 cloud_instance start => "instance-id";


  elsif ( $action eq "start" ) {
    $cloud->start_instance( instance_id => $data );

=head2 stop

Stop an existing instance

 cloud_instance stop => "instance-id";


  elsif ( $action eq "stop" ) {
    $cloud->stop_instance( instance_id => $data );

=head2 terminate

Terminate an instance. This will destroy all data and remove the instance.

 cloud_instance terminate => "i-zzzzzzz";


  elsif ( $action eq "terminate" ) {
    $cloud->terminate_instance( instance_id => $data );


=head2 get_cloud_regions

Returns all regions as an array.


sub get_cloud_regions {
  return cloud_object()->get_regions;

=head2 cloud_volume($action , $data)

This function controlls all aspects of a cloud volume.


sub cloud_volume {

  my ( $action, @_data ) = @_;
  my $data;
  if ( @_data == 1 ) {
    if ( ref $_data[0] ) {
      $data = $_data[0];
    else {
      $data = { id => $_data[0] };
  else {
    $data = { "id", @_data };

  my $cloud = cloud_object();

=head2 create

Create a new volume. Size is in Gigabytes.

 task "create-vol", sub {
   my $vol_id = cloud_volume create => { size => 1, zone => "eu-west-1a", };


  if ( $action eq "create" ) {
      size => $data->{"size"} || 1,

=head2 attach

Attach a volume to an instance.

 task "attach-vol", sub {
   cloud_volume attach => "vol-xxxxxx", to => "server-id";


  elsif ( $action eq "attach" ) {
    my $vol_id = $data->{id};
    my $srv_id = $data->{to};

      volume_id   => $vol_id,
      server_id   => $srv_id,
      device_name => $data->{device}

=head2 detach

Detach a volume from an instance.

 task "detach-vol", sub {
   cloud_volume detach => "vol-xxxxxx", from => "server-id";


  elsif ( $action eq "detach" ) {
    my $vol_id = $data->{id};
    my $srv_id = $data->{from};

      volume_id => $vol_id,
      server_id => $srv_id,
      attach_id => $data->{attach_id}

=head2 delete

Delete a volume. This will destroy all data.

 task "delete-vol", sub {
   cloud_volume delete => "vol-xxxxxx";


  elsif ( $action eq "delete" ) {
    $cloud->delete_volume( volume_id => $data->{id} );

  elsif ( $action eq "list" ) {
    return $cloud->list_volumes();


=head2 get_cloud_floating_ip

Returns first available floating IP

 task "get_floating_ip", sub {

   my $ip = get_cloud_floating_ip;

   my $instance = cloud_instance create => {
      image_id => 'edffd57d-82bf-4ffe-b9e8-af22563741bf',
      name => 'instance1',
      plan_id => 17,
      floating_ip => $ip


sub get_cloud_floating_ip {
  return cloud_object()->get_floating_ip;

=head2 cloud_network


sub cloud_network {

  my ( $action, $data ) = @_;
  my $cloud = cloud_object();

=head2 create

Create a new network.

 task "create-net", sub {
   my $net_id = cloud_network create => { cidr => '', name => "mynetwork", };


  if ( $action eq "create" ) {
    $cloud->create_network( %{$data} );

=head2 delete

Delete a network.

 task "delete-net", sub {
   cloud_network delete => '18a4ccf8-f14a-a10d-1af4-4ac7fee08a81';


  elsif ( $action eq "delete" ) {

=head2 get_cloud_availability_zones

Returns all availability zones of a cloud services. If available.

 task "get-zones", sub {
   print Dumper get_cloud_availability_zones;


sub get_cloud_availability_zones {
  return cloud_object()->get_availability_zones();

=head2 get_cloud_plans

Retrieve information of the available cloud plans. If supported.


sub get_cloud_plans {
  return cloud_object()->list_plans;

=head2 get_cloud_operating_systems

Retrieve information of the available cloud plans. If supported.


sub get_cloud_operating_systems {
  return cloud_object()->list_operating_systems;

=head2 cloud_object

Returns the cloud object itself.


sub cloud_object {
  my $cloud = get_cloud_service($cloud_service);


  return $cloud;
