Changes for version 1.11

  • Support for DBIx::Class integration (KiokuDB objects and DBIC rows can point to each other, DBIC resultsets can be serialized in KiokuDB)
  • All SQL operations that use placeholders now support limiting of the number of placeholders, splitting the operation into batches (this is enabled by default for SQLite which limits SQL statements to 999 placeholders) (Jason May)
  • DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies now used in Makefile.PL to avoid problems with 'create => 1'


Refer to KiokuDB objects from DBIx::Class tables.
A proxying result class for KiokuDB objects
Hybrid DBIx::Class::Schema in KiokuDB schema support.
DBI backend for KiokuDB
KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry for DBIx::Class::ResultSet objects
KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry for DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle objects.
KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry for DBIx::Class::Row objects.
KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry for DBIx::Class::Schema objects.


in lib/KiokuDB/Backend/DBI/