- Support for Kerberos authentication on Linux (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Add a get_collection method to MongoDB::Collection (@sanbeg, pull #52)
- Optimizations on inserts and fetch (@ilmari, pull #66, PERL-129)
- Hash ordering fixes (@ilmari, pull #64)
- Double and int type helpers (@kenahoo, pull #65, PERL-227)
- TTL index support (@drtz, pull #60, PERL-222)
- Restored support for Perl 5.8.
- Support for native DBRefs.
[Bug Fixes]
- UTF-8 fixes (@ilmari, pull #67, #68)
- DateTime fixes (@kenahoo, pull #65)
- Don't do aggregation tests when running against MongoDB < 2.2.
0.47 - 0.503.4
- Ordered hash support for MongoDB::Cursor::hint() (Colin Syr)
- timegm() implementation for Windows (Stevie-O)
- aggregate() helper method
- find_and_modify helper
- Connection URI support enhancements (Tianon Gravi)
- MongoClient new top-level object
- Removing AUTOLOAD method examples from documentation
- Replacing $conn examples with $client in docs.
- Deprecation warning for MongoDB::Connection
- Removed dependence on Any::Moose
- Support for fsyncLock/unlock (Casey Rojas)
- Support for dt_type param, DateTime::Tiny and raw epoch times
- Support for UTF8 hash keys (Roman Yerin)
- Support for 'j' param to turn on journaling (Casey Rojas)
[Bug Fixes]
- Miscellaneous documentation fixes (Andrey Khozov, others)
- Fixed socket timeout bug (nightlord)
- Fixed broken regex test for Perls < 5.14.
- More accurate isUTF8 function (Jan Anderssen)
- Proper serialization of regex flags via re::regexp_pattern
- Added SSL support (Casey Rojas). See new documentation on
MongoDB::Connection's ssl attribute.
- Added MongoDB::BSON::Binary type and MongoDB::BSON::use_binary option. See
the Data Types documentation on using the Binary type instead of string refs
for binary data.
- Change default binary type from 2 to 0. See MongoDB::BSON::Binary for
more information about the implications of this change.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fix auth connection issues (Olly Stephens)
- Fix driver creating duplicate connections when port isn't specified (Olly
- Fix authentication check on some versions of Perl (Olly Stephens)
0.45 - September 7, 2011
This is a recommended upgrade. There are no backwards-breaking changes, only
bug fixes and enhancements.
- Perl 5.8.4 and higher is now officially supported (5.8.7 was the previous
minimum version).
- Improved the way that connecting handles an interrupt signal. The driver
now continues to attempt connection for the remaining duration of the
timeout, instead of erroring out immediately.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed MaxKey and MinKey deserialization. Deserializing these types would seg
fault if they hadn't been serialized previously.
- Fixed Windows compilation (Taro Nishino)
- Fixed MakeMaker arguments which were causing build problems on 5.14.
0.44 - July 26, 2011
This is a recommended upgrade. There are no backwards-breaking changes, only
bug-fixes and enhancements.
- Added MongoDB::BSON::looks_like_number flag.
The Perl driver has always been coy about turning strings into numbers. If
you would like aggressive number parsing (if it looks like a number, send it
to the DB as a number), you can set MongoDB::BSON::looks_like_number to 1
(defaults to 0, the previous behavior). See the MongoDB::DataTypes pod for
more info.
- Tests should now clean up after themselves, leaving no test databases
[Bug Fixes]
- Setting a sort in the arguments to MongoDB::Collection::find is now passed
through correctly to the cursor.
- Fixed segmentation fault in array serialization: caused by specifying an _id
field on insert and using an array (not a hash or Tie::IxHash).
- Fixed segmentation fault in threading: if Mouse was used instead of Moose,
version 0.43 of the driver would segfault if multiple threads were used.
- MongoDB::Cursor now inherits the $Mongo::Cursor::slave_okay global setting,
as well as checking if slave_okay is set on the cursor instance.
- Fix GridFS functions to only ensure GridFS indexes on writes, allowing
GridFS API usage on slaves.
0.43 - May 31, 2011
This is a recommended upgrade. There are no backwards-breaking changes, only
bug-fixes and enhancements.
- Auto-detects max BSON size for inserts, which means documents larger than
4MB can now be inserted. See L<MongoDB::Connection/max_bson_size> for
- Added the L<MongoDB::Cursor/info> method, which returns meta information
about the results being returned.
[Bug Fixes]
- When high UTF-8 values as hash keys, the driver now croaks instead of
- Added 'use IO::File' before IO::File is used (Michael Langner)
- Fixed Perl 5.14 compile (Chip Salzenberg)
- Fixes for Sparc architecture
- Fixed PVIV misinterpretations
- Re-discover master on "not master" errors
- Make driver thread safe (Florian Ragwitz)
- POD fix (Ronald Kimball)
- Fix GridFS warning (Graham Barr)
- Allow auto_connect => 0 for replica sets (Graham Barr)
- DateTime floating timezones now warn on serialization
- Attempting to serialize unrecognized object types now croaks
- MongoDB::Cursor::explain now resets cursor properly
- Added BSON::encode_bson and BSON::decode_bson (Jason Toffaletti)
- Safe writes return a hash of information instead of 1 (on success)
- Improved last_error/safe docs
- Fixed doc spelling errors (Stefan Hornburg)
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed indexing subdocuments (x.y.z)
- Fixed GridFS to accept non-fs prefixes (Olly Stephens)
- Fixed compile for old C compilers (Taro Nishino)
- Added MongoDB::read_documents for handling db replies (Graham Barr)
- Fixed cursor not found error condition
- Fixed compile for old C compilers
- Fixed weird file behavoir on some machines
- Replica set support
- Deserialize booleans as booleans (instead of ints) (Andrew Page)
- Fixed OS X build (Todd Caine)
- Added background option for index creation (Graham Barr)
- Fixed slurp tests (Josh Rabinowitz)
- Added MongoDB::Timestamp type
0.35 - 02 July 2010
- Added MongoDB::BSON::utf8_flag_on (Pan Fan)
- Added MongoDB::GridFS::File::slurp (Pan Fan)
- Fixed memory leak
0.34 - 17 June 2010
- $conn->foo->bar->baz now gets the bar.baz collection in the foo database
- Slight speed improvements on inserts
- Added $conn->query_timeout option to control timeout lengths for all queries
done over a given connection
- MongoDB::Cursor::tailable and MongoDB::Cursor::immortal
- added TO_JSON function to MongoDB::OID
- Fixed safe save (Othello Maurer)
- BACKWARD-BREAKING: removed old indexing syntax (if you started using the
driver less than a year ago, this shouldn't affect you. If you're an old-
timer, make sure you're not using the syntax that has been deprecated for a
0.33 26 April 2010
- Fixed tests
0.32 21 April 2010
- BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY BREAK: croak on failed safe
update/insert/remove/ensure_index (Eric Wilhelm)
- w and wtimeout (see MongoDB::Connection::w)
- die correctly on MongoCollection::count errors (help from Josh Rabinowitz)
- added MongoDB::Collection::find (same as query)
- added get, put, and delete methods to MongoDB::GridFS
- Perl 5.12 compatibility
0.31 05 April 2010
- C89 fix (Taro Nishino)
- Added MongoDB::Code type
- Arbitrary number of hosts supported
- Auto-reauthentication on dropped connection
- ensure_index name option
0.30 10 March 2010
- Support BigInt
- On 64-bit machines, support 64-bit nums w/out BigInt (Ryan Olson)
- Added connection timeout option (Othello Maurer)
- Added clarifying docs on fields (Josh Rabinowitz)
0.29 01 March 2010
- Added safe options for remove, update, and ensure_index
- Added save method
- Fixed bug in UTF8 checking
- Fixed serialization of "tie %hash, 'Tie:IxHash'"
0.28 28 Jan 2010
- Fixed undef values (Andrew Bryan)
- Added GridFS multi-chunk test using File::Temp (Josh Rabinowitz)
- Allow tie(%h, 'Tie::IxHash') to be used as well as Tie::IxHash->new
- Fixed GridFS indexes and added chunkSize and uploadDate to metadata
- Fixed batch_insert doc (Eric Wilhelm)
- Fixed big endian build
0.27 22 Dec 2009
- Indexes: Improved ensure_index syntax, added drop_dups option
- Inserts: Added safe insert, checks object is < 4 MB before inserting
- Fixed socket closing bug
- Big-endian support
- $ can be replaced by any character using MongoDB::BSON::char
- MongoDB::OIDs: Fixed undefined behavior in serialization (Peter Edwards), added OID::get_time
- 5.8.7-compatible memory allocation (Peter Edwards)
- Added MongoDB::MaxKey and MongoDB::MinKey support
0.26 09 Nov 2009
- Don't force i386 arch (Needed to compile on OS X with x86_64) (Graham Barr)
- Include inc/ dir for CPAN
- Memory leak fixes
- Added tutorial
0.24 15 Oct 2009
- Fix for uninitialized array values (David Morrison)
- boolean support
- Connection memory leak fix
- added MongoDB::Cursor::count
0.23 25 Sept 2009
Changes in this version by Ask Bjørn Hansen, Florian Ragwitz,
Orlando Vazquez, Kristina Chodorow, and Eric Wilhelm:
- Make inserting double's (floats/NV's), undefined/null, Tie::IxHash values
- Query sorting, snapshot, explain, and hint
- Added non-unique ensure_index
- Added GridFS
- Added regex support
- find_one takes optional fields parameter
- DateTime used for dates
- No C++ driver dependency
0.01 06 May 2009
- Initial release.