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0.103 2023/04/28
- pkcs5-tool(1): Added "--format=FORMAT", "--hex" and "--base64" input/output format
- pkcs5-tool(1): Improved verbose output
- Improved HEX output
- New tests
- Fixed critiques and code beautification
0.102 2021/02/16
- pkcs5-tool(1): Added support for "env:<name>" and "file:<path>" for --input and --password params
- pkcs5-tool(1): Read password from user input (readline)
- pkcs5-tool(1): Added support for read input data from STDIN
- pkcs5-tool(1): Added class and t/60.CLI.t test
- Added new PBKDF2WithHmapSHA* functions
- Fixed PBKDF2 LDAP schema function
- Fixed critiques and code beautification
0.101 2020/07/15
- Added missing Crypt::OpenSSL::AES module prerequisite in Makefile.PL
- Improved pkcs5-tool command
0.100 2020/07/15
- initial release