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purl-tool - Package URL tool


    purl-tool [OPTIONS]...STRING
    purl-tool --type STRING [--namespace STRING] --name STRING [--version STRING] [--subpath STRING] [--qualifier KEY=VALUE [...]]
    purl-tool [--help|--man|-v]

          --help                    Brief help message
          --man                     Full documentation
          -v                        Print version

    "purl" string encode options:

          --type=STRING             Type
          --namespace=STRING        Namespace (optional)
          --name=STRING             Name
          --version=STRING          Version (optional)
          --qualifier KEY=VALUE     Qualifier key-value (optional)

    "purl" string decode options:

          --download-url            Download URL
          --repository-url          Repository URL

      -0, --null                    Return NULL char instead of new line

          --format=FORMAT           Output format
          --dumper                  Data::Dumper format (--format=dumper)
          --json                    JSON output format (--format=json)
          --yaml                    YAML output format (--format=yaml)
          --env                     ENV output format (--format=env)


    Parse the given Package URL string and return JSON and send the STDOUT to jq:

        purl-tool pkg:cpan/GDT/URI-PackageURL@2.11 --json | jq

    Download the package from the repository using Package URL string:

        wget $(purl-tool pkg:cpan/GDT/URI-PackageURL@2.11 --download-url)

    Create a canonical Package URL string

        purl-tool --type cpan \
                  --namespace GDT \
                  --name URI-PackageURL \
                  --version 2.11


purl-tool Package URL tool


Parse the given Package URL string and return JSON and send the STDOUT to jq:

    purl-tool pkg:cpan/GDT/URI-PackageURL@2.11 --json | jq

Download the package from the repository using Package URL string:

    wget $(purl-tool pkg:cpan/GDT/URI-PackageURL@2.11 --download-url)

Create a canonical Package URL string:

    purl-tool --type cpan \
              --namespace GDT \
              --name URI-PackageURL \
              --version 2.11


Giuseppe Di Terlizzi


Copyright © 2022-2024 Giuseppe Di Terlizzi

You may use and distribute this module according to the same terms that Perl is distributed under.