package WWW::Asana::Workspace;
  $WWW::Asana::Workspace::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:GETTY';
  $WWW::Asana::Workspace::VERSION = '0.003';
# ABSTRACT: Asana Workspace Class

use MooX;

with 'WWW::Asana::Role::HasClient';
with 'WWW::Asana::Role::HasResponse';
with 'WWW::Asana::Role::NewFromResponse';

with 'WWW::Asana::Role::CanReload';
with 'WWW::Asana::Role::CanUpdate';
# CanNotCreate
# CanNotDelete

sub own_base_args { 'workspaces', shift->id }
sub reload_base_args { 'Workspace', 'GET' }
sub update_args {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	'Workspace', 'PUT', $self->own_base_args, {
		name => $self->name

use WWW::Asana::Task;

has id => (
	is => 'ro',
	required => 1,

has name => (
	is => 'ro',
	required => 1,

sub tasks {
	my ( $self, $assignee ) = @_;
	die 'tasks need a WWW::Asana::User or "me" as parameter' unless ref $assignee eq "WWW::Asana::User" or $assignee eq "me";
	$self->do('[Task]', 'GET', $self->own_base_args, 'tasks', [
		assignee => ref $assignee eq "WWW::Asana::User" ? $assignee->id : $assignee,
	], sub { my ( %data ) = @_; defined $data{workspace} ? () : ( workspace => $self ) });

sub projects {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	$self->do('[Project]', 'GET', $self->own_base_args, 'projects', sub { workspace => $self });

sub tags {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	$self->do('[Tag]', 'GET', $self->own_base_args, 'tags', sub { workspace => $self });

sub create_tag {
	my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
	if (ref $name eq 'WWW::Asana::Tag') {
		die "Given WWW::Asana::Tag has id, and so is already created" if $name->has_id;
		$name = $name->name;
	$self->do('Tag', 'POST', $self->own_base_args, 'tags', { name => $name });

sub create_task {
	my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
	die __PACKAGE__."->new_task needs a HashRef as parameter" unless ref $attr eq 'HASH';
	my %data = %{$attr};
	$data{workspace} = $self;
	$data{client} = $self->client if $self->has_client;
	return WWW::Asana::Task->new(%data)->create;



=head1 NAME

WWW::Asana::Workspace - Asana Workspace Class

=head1 VERSION

version 0.003


=head2 id

=head2 name

=head1 METHODS

=head2 tasks

This method shows the tasks of the given assignee. This must be a
L<WWW::Asana::User> object, or you just give "me", to show that you this
information for the API Key user.

It is required to give an assignee, Asana is not supporting giving all tasks
of the workspace.

=head2 projects

This method shows the projects of the workspace.

=head2 tags

This method shows the tags of the workspace.

=head2 create_tag

Adds the given first parameter as new tag for the workspace, it gives back a
L<WWW::Asana::Tag> of the resulting tag.

=head2 create_task

=head1 AUTHOR

Torsten Raudssus <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Torsten Raudssus.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
