Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::SQLCrosstab.
1.17 11-Jan-2004
New features
- Now the {op} parameter is an array
reference, containing pairs of operator/column, so that
now it is possible to perform
[ ['COUNT', 'id'], ['SUM', 'salary'], ['AVG', 'expenses'] ]
in one query.
- usage of {col_op} and {add_op} (and {op} as a scalar) are now
Bugs fixed
- operator names may cause a syntax error when they become
column headers. Fixed.
Changed functionality
- changed operator names (when they become column headers)
to "x"operator (xcount, xsum, xavg, etc.) to avoid a name
conflict with some DBMS engines. Thanks to Cyril Dréno for
reporting this bug.
- changed crosstab column names from "fldXXX" to "xfldXXX"
to avoid possible clashes with some other SQL generators.
- the main example ( now
creates multi-operation tables to test and demonstrate
the above change.
Examples and Documentation
- Changed example create_crosstab.sqlite to create_crosstab.sql92
(it should work on any ANSI-SQL92 compliant DBMS)
- Changed example table names to "xtab_*", so that
users allowed to a single database can easily add these
tables without affecting existing ones.
- Added drop_crosstab.sql to remove the example tables easily.
(Thanks to Mark Stosberg for all these ideas on the SQL examples)
- New documentation available:
an article at OnLamp
and one at PerlMonks
1.16 12-Dec-2003 (Experimental - Not released)
- Raised pre-requisite. DBIx::SQLCrosstab::Format won't
work with Perl versions earlier than 5.6.1.
Notice that due to this limitation the installation test will
fail under Perl 5.6.0.
Actually, the minimum requirement was like that from the
beginning, but I failed to notice it. Thanks
to Cyril Dréno for reporting this bug.
1.15 12-Oct-2003
- Added new methods:
set_param() to add or modify parameters after creation
get_params() to get the current parameters into a string
save_params() to save the parameters to a file
load_params() to load the parameters from a file
- Added new examples and database diagram
- Added new sample schemas
- Fixed some documentation issues
1.14 08-Oct-2003
First distributed version
Building features and fixing bugs
1.00 12-Sep-2003
- original version