Changes for version 0.12
- Left and right side bars have rotated labels
- Switched to gridded approach for panel layout
- Snippet name does not give error when dot used in name
- Columns in PerlSubs plugin are resizable and sortable
IDE for and in Perl
baseclass for plugins that respond to text modifications
Content manager for App::Codit
IDE for and in Perl
Multiple Document Interface for App::Codit
Little applets for line to line text tasks.
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
plugin for App::Codit
Session manager used by the Sessions plugin