Revision history for Perl extension Mac::AppleScript::Glue.
0.03 Sat Sep 14 22:32:48 PDT 2002
- removed usage of osascript(1) and replaced it with Dan
Sugalski's Mac::AppleScript, which does the same thing but
better and faster (you'll need to install Mac::AppleScript
first, from CPAN)
- simplified the notation of constants and simple
object-references -- instead of passing a reference to a
string (\'true'), now you can pass a string enclosed in
angle-brackets ('<true>') and it will be passed along
verbatim to AppleScript
- added an alternate calling form to
Mac::AppleScript::Object->objref(), in which you can pass
a pair of class and parameters (file => "foo") instead of
having to clump it all into one string ("file => \"foo\"")
- added the option to specify a remote machine when creating a
Mac::AppleScript::Application object (uses an "eppc:" URL)
- removed the SCRIPT_RESULT and EXEC debugging tags; now the
SCRIPT tag debugs both the script and the result, and EXEC
is unneeded since we don't exec osascript(1) anymore
- tried to make the AppleScript a little less verbose, since
it seems that Adobe InDesign has problems with
object-references that are too complicated
- fixed the internal number-recognizer so that "5.5.5" isn't
thought to be a valid number ;)
- cleaned up a bunch of the examples in "scripts/"
- added a pod-tester to the test suite, as seen in brian d
foy's Mac::iTunes
- added pre-requisites to the Makefile
- added copyright info
- various fixes to the POD documentation for clarity, etc.
0.02 Sun Sep 1 08:35:53 PDT 2002
- renamed to Mac::AppleScript::Glue, so as play nicely with
other modules being written
- added all the documentation
- got rid of the ::Scripter class
0.01 Fri Aug 30 06:51:17 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.2 with options
-X AppleScript