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Revision history for Perl extension Prog.

0.01  Tue Nov 22 21:54:37 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XA -n Prog

0.02	POD fixes
        added merge() add() and mv() methods to S::P::Index
          and t/3merge.t and t/4add.t
        added 2 more test docs
        added format() accessor to S::P::Index
        changed S::P::I to use Class::Accessor::Fast
          since we don't need to override get/set
        S::P now always inits an indexer even if fh=>0
        added private _index_methods to S::P

0.03    * removed all mentions of SWISH3
        * test indexes are removed as part of 'make clean'
        * switched from Data::Dumper to Data::Dump
        * added new SWISH::Prog::Object example
        * fixed bug in SWISH::Prog::Headers to test defined() 
          rather than simply eval true/false
        * fixed bug in SWISH::Prog::DBI with accepting DBI handle
          in init()
        * changed to using IO::All instead of File::stat and File::Slurp
          for better UTF8 support
        * changed default order of init() and init_indexer() to work
          more intuitively. Fixed S::P::DBI accordingly.
          To prevent an indexer from being init'd (as in 0.02) simply
          override init_indexer() and don't call SUPER::init_indexer().
        * new feature: SWISH::Prog::Find
        * renamed meta() to table_meta() in SWISH::Prog::DBI for clarity.
        * S::P::Config now always handles config params as arrays
        * Config metanames() propertynames() and propertynamesnostripchars() 
          are no longer available 
        * S::P::Config now requires IO::All and Config::General; added read2() method.
        * new feature placeholder: SWISH::Prog::Spider
0.04    * S::P::DBI no longer calls disconnect() on db handle in DESTROY
        * fixed bug with auto-defining metanames
        * S::P::Config always returns arrayref on directive method calls
        * use MIME::Types instead of File::Type
        * S::P::Find now uses File::Find instead of Path::Class::Iterator
        * S::P::Object obj_filter() must return an object of some kind
        * S::P::Object will not dump() scalar strings, thus avoiding extra quotes
        * S::P::Config added stringify() method and reverted from IO::All to File::Slurp
        * S::Prog added elapsed() method
        * S::Prog new() verbose now defaults to 1

0.05    * S::P::Object now uses JSON or YAML to serialize values instead of Data::Dump
          This change is sync'd with SWISH::API::Object 0.0.6

0.06    * S::P::Object now defers to explicit 'config' passed in new().

0.07    * S::P::Object iterator now uses more idiomatic while/next algorithm.

0.08    22 Nov 2007
        * added S::P::Mail class and example script
        * sync all $VERSION vars to same value
        * allow for non-standard docclass names

0.20    23 April 2008
        * complete rewrite of the API for Swish3 development

0.21    31 Oct 2008
        * fix tests to skip correct numbers if swish-e not installed
        * change to JSON::XS and make json default format in Aggregator::Object
        * add perl_to_xml() in Utils
        * change t/04 to manually create dirs at test time

0.22    10 Dec 2008
        * added support for SWISH::Prog::DBI
        * use SWISH::3 for slurping files, if available.
        * fix bug in SWISH::Prog::Utils->perl_to_xml where hash refs were not getting

0.23    11 Dec 2008
        * properly clean up temp Config files

0.24    20 Jan 2009  (Happy Obama Day!)
        * add base Searcher, Results and Result classes
        * refactor QueryParser to use Search::QueryParser::SQL
        * flesh out the InvIndex::Meta class, adding XML::Simple dependency
        * IMPORTANT: rename Native classes to match naming convention
0.25    26 Jan 2009
        * added more features to example/swish3
        * add missing test file to MANIFEST
        * tests clean up after themselves wrt swish.xml header files

0.26    26 Feb 2009
        * fix off-by-one error in skip test count in t/03-object.t

0.27    28 Sep 2009
        * make QueryParser and Query part of the official install,
          even though there are still TODO items
        * add all_metanames() method to Config
        * refactor to use Search::Tools and Rose::ObjectX::CAF
          instead of Class::Accessor::Fast

0.28   30 Sept 2009
        * add some missing calls to SUPER::init()

0.29   8 Nov 2009
        * add strip_plural option to Utils->perl_to_xml()
        * add count attribute to arrayref values of hashrefs in perl_to_xml()
        * fix method/param name strictness bug revealed by Rose::ObjectX::CAF 0.03. 
          This mostly required internal param name changes to official method names.

0.30   29 Nov 2009
        * change KinoSearch to KSx in implementation registry
        * fix bug in base Searcher where InvIndex class was not loaded.