package SPVM::Sys::Socket::Sockaddr::Storage; 1; =head1 Name SPVM::Sys::Socket::Sockaddr::Storage - struct sockaddr_storage in the C language =head1 Description Sys::Socket::Sockaddr::Storage class in L represents L in the C language. =head1 Usage use Sys::Socket::Sockaddr::Storage; =head1 Details This class is a pointer class. The pointer the instance has is set to a L object. =head1 Super Class L =head1 Class Methods =head2 new C ();> Create a new L object. =head1 Instance Methods =head2 DESTROY C The destructor. =head2 sa_family C Returns C. =head2 ss_family C Returns C. =head2 set_ss_family C Sets C. =head2 size C Returns the size of C. =head2 clone C ();> Clones this instance and returns it. =head1 Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto MIT License