Simo - Simple class builder [DISCOURAGED]
Version 0.1201
This module is discouraged now, because I develope new module Object::Simple now.
Object::Simple is very simple class builder. It is clean, compact, and fast.
Simo is framework that simplify Object Oriented Perl.
The feature is that
- 1. You can define accessors in very simple way.
- 2. new method is prepared.
- 3. You can define default value of attribute.
- 4. Error object is thrown, when error is occured.
If you use Simo, you are free from bitter work writing new methods and accessors repeatedly.
#Class definition
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ accessor }
sub author{ accessor }
sub price{ accessor }
# Or ( ac is sintax sugar of accessor )
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ ac }
sub author{ ac }
sub price{ ac }
# Using class
use Book;
my $book = Book->new( title => 'a', author => 'b', price => 1000 );
# Default value of attribute
sub author{ ac default => 'Kimoto' }
#Automatically build of attribute
sub author{ ac auto_build => 1 }
sub build_author{
my $self = shift;
$self->author( $self->title . "b" );
sub title{ ac default => 'a' }
# Constraint of attribute setting
use Simo::Constrain qw( is_int isa );
sub price{ ac constrain => sub{ is_int } }
sub author{ ac constrain => sub{ isa 'Person' } }
# Filter of attribute setting
sub author{ ac filter => sub{ uc } }
# Trigger of attribute setting
sub date{ ac trigger => sub{ $_->year( substr( $_->date, 0, 4 ) ) } }
sub year{ ac }
# Read only accessor
sub year{ ac read_only => 1 }
# Hash ref convert of attribute setting
sub country_id{ ac hash_force => 1 }
# Required attributes
sub REQUIRED_ATTRS{ qw( title author ) }
# Inheritance
package Magazine;
use Simo( base => 'Book' );
# Mixin
package Book;
use Simo( mixin => 'Class::Cloneable' );
# new method include
package Book;
use Simo( new => 'Some::New::Class' );
See Simo::Manual.
I explain detail of Simo.
If you are Japanese, See also Simo::Manual::Japanese.
is used to define accessor.
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ accessor }
sub author{ accessor }
sub price{ accessor }
accessor is exported.
ac is sintax sugar of accessor
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ ac }
sub author{ ac }
sub price{ ac }
and_super is exported. This is used to call super method for REQUIRED_ATTRS.
sub REQUIRED_ATTRS{ 'm1', 'm2', and_super }
new method is prepared.
use Book;
my $book = Book->new( title => 'a', author => 'b', price => 1000 );
new_self_and_parent resolve the inheritance of no Simo based class;
$self->new_self_and_parent( @_, [ 'title', 'author' ] );
$self->new_self_and_parent( { self_args => [], parent_args => [] } );
this method is expected to override.
You can define required attribute.
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ ac }
sub author{ ac }
sub price{ ac }
sub REQUIRED_ATTRS{ qw( title author ) }
is attribute list. If you specify attribute 'Attr', This is automatically set.
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title : Attr { ac }
sub author : Attr { ac }
$self->ATTRS return ( 'title', 'author' )
If you load module dinamically, Please call this medhos.
Simo::Constrain - Constraint methods for Simo 'constrain' option.
Simo::Error - Structured error system for Simo.
Simo::Util - Utitlity class for Simo.
Simo::Wrapper - provide useful methods for object.
set_hook and get_hook option is now not recommended. These option will be removed in future 2019/01/01
non named defalut value definition is now not recommended. This expression will be removed in future 2019/01/01
sub title{ ac 'OO tutorial' } # not recommend. cannot be available in future.
get_attrs,get_attrs_as_hash,set_attrs,run_methods is now not recommended. These methods will be removed in future 2019/01/01
Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>
Class::Accessor,Class::Accessor::Fast, Moose, Mouse.
Copyright 2008 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.