=head1 NAME Mojolicious::Guides::Cheatsheet - Reference =head1 OVERVIEW This document contains a concise all-purpose reference. =head1 RESERVED STASH VALUES Besides everything prefixed with C<mojo.> there are a few stash values that are reserved for routes and the renderer. =head2 C<action> $r->route('/welcome')->to(action => 'hello'); Action to dispatch to. =head2 C<app> $r->route('/welcome')->to(app => MyApp->new); Embedded application to dispatch to. =head2 C<cb> $r->route('/welcome')->to(cb => sub {...}); Callback to dispatch to. =head2 C<class> $r->route('/welcome')->to(class => 'Greeting'); Camelized alternative to C<controller>. =head2 C<controller> $r->route('/welcome')->to(controller => 'greetings'); Controller to dispatch to. =head2 C<data> $self->render(data => 'raw bytes'); Turn raw bytes into a response. =head2 C<exception> <%= $exception %> L<Mojo::Exception> object for exception templates. =head2 C<extends> $self->render(extends => 'template'); Template to extend. =head2 C<format> $self->render(format => 'rss'); Format to render. =head2 C<handler> $self->render(handler => 'ep'); Handler to use for rendering. =head2 C<inline> $self->render(inline => '<%= 1 + 1%>'); Inline template to render. =head2 C<json> $self->render(json => {foo => 23}); Turn Perl structure into JSON response. =head2 C<layout> $self->render(layout => 'green'); Layout to render. =head2 C<method> $r->route('/welcome')->to(method => 'hello'); Alternative to C<action>. =head2 C<namespace> $r->route('/welcome')->to(namespace => 'TestApp', method => 'lulz'); Namespace to dispatch to. =head2 C<partial> my $result = $self->render(partial => 1); Return rendering result instead of turning it into a response. =head2 C<path> $r->route('/welcome')->to(path => '/test', app => MyApp->new); Base path to use for dispatching to embedded applications. =head2 C<status> $self->render(status => 404); Status code to use for rendered response. =head2 C<template> $self->render(template => 'bye'); Template to render. =head2 C<text> $self->render(text => 'Hello World!'); Turn characters into a response. =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Many parts of L<Mojolicious> can be tuned with environment variables. Debug environment variables are excluded because they are for developer use only. =head2 C<MOJO_APP> Decides which L<Mojolicious> or L<Mojo> application will be used, should always contain a class name like C<MyApp>, usually defaults to L<Mojo::HelloWorld>. MOJO_APP=MyApp =head2 C<MOJO_CA_FILE> The path to the TLS CA authority file, should always contain a path like C</etc/tls/cacerts.pem>. Note that L<IO::Socket::SSL> must be installed for TLS support. MOJO_CA_FILE=/etc/tls/cacerts.pem =head2 C<MOJO_CHUNK_SIZE> Chunk size used for IO operations in bytes, a bigger chunk size speeds up IO operations but will also use more memory, defaults to C<262144>. MOJO_CHUNK_SIZE=1024 =head2 C<MOJO_DNS_SERVER> C<DNS> server to use for non-blocking lookups. MOJO_DNS_SERVER= =head2 C<MOJO_EPOLL> Force epoll mainloop for IO operations. Note that L<IO::Epoll> must be installed for epoll support. MOJO_EPOLL=1 =head2 C<MOJO_HOME> Home directory for the L<Mojolicious> application, should always contain a path like C</home/sri/myapp>. MOJO_HOME=/home/sri/myapp =head2 C<MOJO_KQUEUE> Force kqueue mainloop for IO operations. Note that L<IO::KQueue> must be installed for kqueue support. MOJO_KQUEUE=1 =head2 C<MOJO_LOG_LEVEL> Log level for the L<Mojolicious> application, should contain a valid log level like C<debug> or C<error>. MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=error =head2 C<MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE> Maximum line size for HTTP message start lines and headers in bytes, defaults to C<10240>. MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE=2048 =head2 C<MOJO_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE> Maximum size in bytes for HTTP content to keep in memory, bigger content will be written to temporary files, defaults to C<262144>. MOJO_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE=2048 =head2 C<MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE> Maximum size for HTTP messages in bytes, defaults to C<5242880>. MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE=1024 =head2 C<MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS> MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS=3 Maximum number of redirects L<Mojo::Client> will follow, defaults to C<0>. =head2 C<MOJO_MODE> Run mode for the L<Mojolicious> application, should contain a valid mode like C<development> or C<production>. MOJO_MODE=development MOJO_MODE=production =head2 C<MOJO_NO_BONJOUR> Disable Bonjour support. Note that L<Net::Rendezvous::Publish> must be installed for Bonjour support. MOJO_NO_BONJOUR=1 =head2 C<MOJO_NO_IPV6> Disable IPv6 support, this might result in slightly better performance and less memory use. Note that L<IO::Socket::IP> must be installed for IPv6 support. MOJO_NO_IPV6=1 =head2 C<MOJO_NO_TLS> Disable TLS support, this might result in slightly better performance and less memory use. Note that L<IO::Socket::SSL> must be installed for TLS support. MOJO_NO_TLS=1 =head2 C<MOJO_POLL> Force poll mainloop for IO operations, this should only be used for testing since other mainloops are generally faster and scale better. MOJO_POLL=1 =head2 C<MOJO_PROXY> Enable automatic HTTP and HTTPS proxy detection in L<Mojo::Client>, for security reasons this is disabled by default. MOJO_PROXY=1 =head2 C<MOJO_RELOAD> Enable L<Mojolicious> application reloading, changes to your application will be detected automatically so you don't have to restart the server manually. MOJO_RELOAD=1 =head2 C<MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY> Enable reverse proxy support for L<Mojolicious> application. MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY=1 =head2 C<MOJO_STATIC_CLASS> Class the L<Mojolicious> static file dispatcher should use to find C<DATA> templates, defaults to C<main>. MOJO_STATIC_CLASS=MyApp =head2 C<MOJO_TEMPLATE_CACHE> Number of compiled templates to cache in memory, defaults to C<100>. MOJO_TEMPLATE_CACHE=20 =head2 C<MOJO_TEMPLATE_CLASS> Class the L<Mojolicious> renderer should use to find C<DATA> templates, defaults to C<main>. MOJO_TEMPLATE_CLASS=MyApp =head2 C<MOJO_TMPDIR> Directory for temporary files like huge uploads, by default a random platform specific temporary directory will be used. MOJO_TMPDIR=/tmp/mojo =cut