Revision history for perl module MBclient

1.58 2017-10-25
     - Make timeout user definable (thanks to markohrastovec).

1.57 2014-11-27

     - Fix pod documentation: examples with parameters swaped (issue #8).
     - Reset constant FRAME_RTU_MAXSIZE.
     - Improve _recv_mbus() for RTU mode.
     - Optimize _crc_is_ok().

1.56 2014-08-05

     - Fix bug in pod documentation (samples with "$@" instead of "@$").
     - Fix bug in write_single_coil(), pack/unpack skip the last padding byte.

1.55 2014-07-15

     - Add POD coverage test to dist test.
     - Improve POD documentation (coverage = 100%).
     - Add MANIFEST.SKIP for Build.PL.
     - Add a simple example with Perl Tk.

1.54 2014-07-05

     - Add perl min version to Build.PL.

1.53 2014-07-05

     - Add Build.PL. It's now possible to use Module::Build
       has dist maker.
       "create_makefile_pl" is comment in Build.PL to avoid
       destroy the old Makefile.PL at every build.

     - Improve POD documentation.

1.52 2014-07-04

     - Fix Makefile.PL: "use 5.014002" not compatible with old
       perl version. Now set to 5.006.

1.51 2014-07-04

     - Add "use warnings;", now require perl version >= 5.6.1.

1.50 2014-07-03

     - First release to be compliant with CPAN archive format.