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Revision history for MooX-ValidateSubs

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.06    14/03/2017
        - Count correctly
        - Kind of fix optional, so [ [Str], [Str, 1], [Str, 1] ] (logical) actually works.
        - Replace (shift,shift,shift,shift) with @_ in _validate_sub.]

0.09    16/03/2017
        - Fix a couple of typos in the pod.
        - Add some extra tests for around.

1.01    14/05/2017
		- Type::Params allows you to compile type checks for a whole bunch of parameters into a single coderef, making them faster. Running the following benchmark script shows an approximate 100% speed-up. That is, it doubles the speed at which you can call $object->hello_world(%args). (Toby Inkster).
		- Fix *returns* tests