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Revision history for Perl extension Devel::Timer.

0.11  2017.01.31 MANWAR
      - Fixed inconsistent version issue reported by CPANTS.

0.10  2017.01.19 MANWAR
      - Moved to dzil for building distribution.

0.09  2016.10.19 MANWAR
      - Tidied up pod document in general and documented method report().

0.08  2016.10.11 MANWAR
      - Updated github repository details.
      - Made SEE ALSO entry a link.
      - Added standard README file.
      - Added t/00-load.t script.

0.07  2016.02.06
      - Remove executable bit from module.
      - Remove old COPYING file.

0.06  2014.10.01
      - Use subtests, require Test::More 1.00.
      - Fix boolean expression in test.

0.05  2013.01.03
      - Use Module::Install
      - Convert to Github

0.04  2007.08.12
      - Apply changes of Jay Hannah
      - added collapse and sort_by arguments to report() method
      - added get_stats() method

0.03  2006.09.22
      - use warnings
      - move module into lib directory
      - add license
      - add some documentation
      - move to eg/ directory
      - add tests fr MyTimer subclassing Devel::Timer

0.02  2006.09.03
      - Maintainer change -> Jay Hannah and Gabor Szabo
      - use Build.PL (and keep autogenerated Makefile.PL)
      - clean up test and use Test::More
      - test pods

0.01  2001.02.11
      - initial version