Revision history for Perl extension Devel::SearchINC.

1.2   Sun Sep  1 12:06:22 CEST 2002
	- tests now use Test::More and have been reorganized
	- added a debugging option and verbose debugging output
	- previously it tried to open last guess regardless of whether
	  the search loop was ended because there were no more paths to
	  search or because it found a file. So I introduced a $found
	  variable that takes care of that.

0.03  Thu Oct 11 09:46:10 CEST 2001
	- added PERL5OPT documentation (thanks Michael Graham)

0.02  Sat May 19 13:39:31 2001
	- can now also find modules in lib/ subdirectories

0.01  Thu Mar 15 14:38:37 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-XA -n Devel::SearchINC