Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Bugzilla.

0.1  Fri May  2 16:39:17 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XA -n WWW::Bugzilla

0.2  Thu Nov 20 22:46:13 2003
        - added 'use_ssl' option which then uses 'https://' protocol
        - fixed www_bugzilla test script and placed it t/

0.3  Thu Mar 11 18:33:39 2004
	- removed cc and bug_number from %update_field_map, these should 
		never have to be updated and were causing warnings from WWW::Mechanize.
	- available() now uses proper field mappings, thanks to Scott Lanning for catching this error

0.4  Mon Mar 22 11:48:16 2004
	- catfile no longer used, as it was causing errors on Win32 boxes.  File::Spec no longer required.

0.5  Tue Jun 14 12:08:16 2004
        - removed duplicate assigned_to from FIELDS, was causing problems for some users (and was a mistake anyhow)