Net::Stitcho - Client module for the API
Version 0.01
use Net::Stitcho;
my $api = Net::Stitcho->new({
id => 1, # your partner id
key => '3246327a', # the secrect signing key
my $uri = $api->send_uri({
email => '', # Recipient address
message => 'Yuppi!', # Message to send
url => '', # Jump to this URL on click
icon => 1, # ID of the icon to use
my $error = $api->send({
# same arguments as send_uri()
# this version uses LWP::UserAgent to actually call the API
The module provides access to the notification service using the provided HTTP-based API.
You need to get an partner account at the site. After you have your API secret key, you can start to use this module.
You can use this module in two ways:
to generate the proper URIs to use with the API;
to call the API;
The first option is best if you have a way to do the HTTP GET request yourself. For example, if you are using AnyEvent or POE, you can use their Async HTTP client to call the API using the URI calculated by this module.
Creates a new API object. Accepts a hashref of parameters. Valid keys are:
- id
Partner ID provided by
- key
Secret signing key provided by
Returns a API object.
Constructs the URI to use to send a notification to a user.
Accepts a hashref of parameters. Valid keys are:
Email address of recipient.
- title
Title of the notification.
- message
Message text.
- url
If the message is clicked, the users browser will open with this URL.
- icon (optional)
Numeric ID of the icon to use.
Returns the complete URI to use to call the Send API. Use your prefered HTTP client to do the actual call.
Sends a notification to a user.
Accepts the same parameters as the send_uri()
After creating a proper URL, uses LWP::UserAgent to call the API.
If successful, returns no error (undef).
If not, returns the HTTP code of the operation. As of October 2008, the documented HTTP codes are:
- 202
The call was formatted correctly, but the user was not connected, so the notification was not sent.
- 400
The request was incorrectly formatted.
If you get this error code, report it as a bug to the author of this module.
- 401
The signature was invalid. Check the
parameters to your call tonew()
. - 500
An unanticipated error occurred, and the problem most likely lies with Stitcho, not your software. Retry in a minute or so.
Constructs the URI to use to send the signup email message to a email address.
Accepts a hashref of parameters. Valid keys are:
Email address of recipient.
- message
Email message text.
Returns the complete URI to use to call the Signup API. Use your prefered HTTP client to do the actual call.
Sends a signup email to a email address.
Accepts the same parameters as the signup_uri()
After creating a proper URL, uses LWP::UserAgent to call the API.
See the send()
method for possible return codes.
This module does not export any symbols.
Pedro Melo, <melo at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-stitcho at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Stitcho
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Copyright 2008 Pedro Melo.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 255:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'notification'. Assuming UTF-8
- Around line 258:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 265:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 271:
Expected text after =item, not a number