$Id: README.update,v 1.1 2008-02-07 13:26:27 mike Exp $

You're probably here because you got a message like:

	A column was missing from a table in the Keystone Resolver database.
	This probably means that the structure of your database is out of date
	Please see /usr/share/libkeystone-resolver-perl/db/README.update

As the resolver changes, modifications are required to the database,
but the Debian package installation process does not apply these
silently for fear of Deep And Terrible Consequences.  You will have to
make the necessary changes by hand.

The change files are in /usr/share/libkeystone-resolver-perl/db/updates

Each file is named "update-<version>.<rdbms>", where <version> is the
Debian package version number in which it was introduced and <rdbms>
is the name of the RDBMS for which the file is intended.  (Different
RDBMSs, predictable, require different SQL to make the changes).  So,
for example, when upgrading from an earlier version to 1.17, if
running against MySQL with the database name "kr", use something like:

	mysql --user=kr_admin --password=kr_adm_3636 kr < update-1.17.mysql

Note that you must apply ALL updates, starting from the version
immediately after the one you are running and continuing until the
most recent, and that you must apply them in sequential order.