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Revision history for Perl module Power::Outlet

  - RE-write Net::UPnP interfaces as Net:UPnP is not good at error trapping or timeouts.
  - Update error handling for Power::Outlet::Hue->name

0.16 2015-11-07
  - Updated MANIFEST - rt108167 <chorny at>

0.15 2015-01-07
  - Cleaned up Philips Hue code and documentation

0.14 2015-01-07
  - Added support for Philips Hue devices

0.13 2014-12-21
  - Added script power-outlet-json.cgi

0.12 2013-12-31
  - Updated Power::Outlet::WeMo->name default value to pull the FriendlyName from UPnP
  - Updated Power::Outlet::iBootBar->name default value to pull the outletName from SNMP
  - Updated documentation

0.11 2013-12-29
  - Fixed WeMo returns to be "ON"|"OFF" vs 0|1.

0.10 2013-12-29
  - Fixed Power::Outlet::Common->cycle (type-O calling switch method)
  - Added WeMo capability

0.09 2013-12-27
  - Fixed Makefile.PL for CPAN testers (Net::SNMP)

0.08 2013-12-27
  - Fixed Makefile.PL for CPAN testers (Package::New)
  - Fixed power-outlet.cgi pod documentation

0.07 2013-12-18
  - Updated Documentation for CPAN

0.06 2013-11-30
  - Added license file for DCRoundSwitch icons.

0.05 2013-11-30
  - Updated Power::Outlet::iBootBar to not query device in void context

0.04 2013-11-30
  - Updated power-outlet.cgi to pull outlets from ini file
  - Updated power-outlet.cgi to work nicely on iPhone
  - Updated spec to build RPM perl-Power-Outlet-application-cgi

0.03 2013-11-29
  - Updated power-outlet.cgi
  - Added name property

0.02 2013-11-26
  - Updated Power::Outlet->new to call subclass->new
  - Added program power-outlet
  - Added CGI example power-outlet.cgi
  - Added tests
  - Added RPM Spec

0.01 2013-11-23
  - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51
  - Power::Outlet::iBoot was originally Net:iBoot (now abandoned) as iBoot uses a custom TCP/IP protocol