Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

Changes for version 1.0

  • XML scan now uses open3, helps produce more informative error output when nmap produces an error message.
  • Added Nmap::Scanner::Task class to model taskbegin and taskend XML elements.
  • Added Nmap::Scanner::TaskProgress class to model taskbegin and taskend XML elements.
  • Added Nmap::Scanner::Distance class for host->distance.
  • Added register_task_started and register_task_ended event handlers to allow calling programs to be immediately notified when taskbegin and taskend elements appear in the XML output.
  • Added register_task_progress handler to allow calling programs to be immediately notified when taskprogress elements appear in XML (good for GUIs).


Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl
Holds a host's DNS name and the type of DNS record used to get the name (CNAME or PTR).
Nmap fingerprint for OS
IP identification sequence
Port used for OS identification
Information about TCP sequence mechanism of remote host
TCP time stamp sequence of remote host
uptime for remote host (not always available)
Holds information about a remote port as detected by nmap.


in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Backend.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Backend/Results.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Backend/XML.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/HostList.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/PortList.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Scanner.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Util.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Util/BannerScanner.pm
in lib/Nmap/Scanner/Backend/XML.pm