1.09	2016-12-23
		- zbxEncode comma and nonascii fix
		- Fix in Time.pm for _ntp_offset returning scientific notation
		- Fix in Disk.pm for returning scientific notation
		- Try 5 times to get NTP server response in Time.pm _ntp_offset
		- err_mode => "quiet" for File::Slurp funcs
		- read_file optimization in Disk.pm analyzeStats
		- cache function
		- RabbitMQ cache

1.08	2016-12-22
		- Hotfix for Supervisor worker status

1.07	2016-12-22
		- Hotfix for Supervisor worker status

1.06	2016-12-22
		- Added distribution generator
		- _check -> _running
		- Improved documentation
		- Added Time.pm

1.05	2016-12-21
		- Shell quote problem fixed

1.04	2016-12-20
		- Changed CPAN repositry info in PODs
		- Added version info to use by Zabbix Agent
		- Added conf/zabbix-agentd.conf
		- Added conf/Template CPAN Zabbix-Check
		- Improved Systemd
		- Little fixes

1.03	2016-12-19
		- sub whereisBin exec test
		- Service installation status detection is changed

1.02	2016-12-18
		- Added Systemd.pm
		- Improvements and fixes

1.01	2016-12-17
		- Zabbix::Check first release