Win32::Outlook::IAF - Internet Account File (*.iaf) management for Outlook Express/2000.
Version 0.96
use Win32::Outlook::IAF;
my $iaf=new Win32::Outlook::IAF;
my $src='MyAccount.iaf';
local $/;
open(INPUT,"<$src") || die "Can't open $src for reading: $!\n";
# forgot your POP3 password?
print $iaf->POP3Password();
$iaf=new Win32::Outlook::IAF(
IMAPServer => '',
IMAPUserName => '',
$iaf->IMAPSecureConnection(1); # set boolean value
$iaf->IMAPSecureConnection('yes'); # .. in another way
$iaf->IMAPUserName(undef); # delete this field
$iaf->SMTPAuthMethod(IAF_AM_USE_INCOMING); # handy constants
$iaf->SMTPPort('hundred'); # dies (not a number)
$iaf->NonExistent(); # dies (can't access nonexistent field)
Allows to create SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP email or NNTP news account configuration files, that can be imported by Microsoft Outlook Express/2000 clients.
Reverse operation is possible - all fields from such files can be decoded.
General Methods
- new([field => value])
Creates a new object and sets specified fields values.
- read_iaf($buffer)
Reads binary data from the specified buffer and sets all decoded fields.
- write_iaf($buffer)
Writes all fields as binary data into the specified buffer.
- text_iaf($buffer[,$delimiter])
Writes 'name - value' pairs as text into the specified buffer. Delimiter defaults to 'tab' character. Passwords are hidden with asterisks.
Account Fields
- AccountName()
Account name displayed in list of accounts in Outlook or Outlook Express.
- AccountID()
Unique ID of the account. Name of the registry key that stores the account settings.
Connection Fields
- ConnectionType()
Connection type used by account. One of the IAF_CT_* enumeration values.
- ConnectionName()
Name of the dial-up account. This is used when ConnectionType() is set to IAF_CT_DIALUP.
SMTP Fields
- SMTPServer()
SMTP server host name.
- SMTPUserName()
User name used when connecting to SMTP server.
- SMTPPassword()
Password used when connecting to SMTP server.
- SMTPPasswordPrompt()
Prompt for password when logging on to SMTP server.
- SMTPAuthMethod()
Authentication method required by SMTP server. One of the IAF_AM_* enumeration values.
- SMTPPort()
SMTP server port.
- SMTPSecureConnection()
Use secure connection (SSL) to the SMTP server.
- SMTPTimeout()
Timeout in seconds for communication with SMTP server.
- SMTPDisplayName()
Display name of the user. This is used as a name in 'From:' mail header.
- SMTPOrganizationName()
Organization of the user. This is used in 'Organization:' mail header.
- SMTPEmailAddress()
Sender email address. This is used as the email address in 'From:' mail header.
- SMTPReplyToEmailAddress()
Reply To email address. This is used as the email address in 'Reply-To:' mail header.
- SMTPSplitMessages()
Break apart messages.
- SMTPSplitMessageSize()
Break apart messages larger than the size in KB.
- SMTPSignature()
Registry key of the SMTP signature.
POP3 Fields
- POP3Server()
POP3 server host name.
- POP3UserName()
User name used when connecting to POP3 server.
- POP3Password()
Password used when connecting to POP3 server.
- POP3PasswordPrompt()
Prompt for password when logging on to POP3 server.
- POP3AuthUseSPA()
Logon to POP3 server using Secure Password Authentication (SPA).
- POP3Port()
POP3 server port.
- POP3SecureConnection()
Use secure connection (SSL) to the POP3 server.
- POP3Timeout()
Timeout in seconds for communication with POP3 server.
- POP3LeaveMailOnServer()
Leave mail on POP3 server.
- POP3RemoveWhenDeleted()
Remove messages from POP3 server when deleted from Deleted Items.
- POP3RemoveWhenExpired()
Remove messages from POP3 server after a period of days.
- POP3ExpireDays()
How many days to leave messages on POP3 server.
- POP3SkipAccount()
Do not include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing.
IMAP Fields
- IMAPServer()
IMAP server host name.
- IMAPUserName()
User name used when connecting to IMAP server.
- IMAPPassword()
Password used when connecting to IMAP server.
- IMAPPasswordPrompt()
Prompt for password when connecting to IMAP server.
- IMAPAuthUseSPA()
Logon to IMAP server using Secure Password Authentication (SPA).
- IMAPPort()
IMAP server port.
- IMAPSecureConnection()
Use secure connection (SSL) to the IMAP server.
- IMAPTimeout()
Timeout in seconds for communication with IMAP server.
- IMAPRootFolder()
Root folder path on IMAP server.
Use IMAP LSUB command.
- IMAPPolling()
Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing.
- IMAPFullList()
- IMAPStoreSpecialFolders()
Store special folders on IMAP server.
- IMAPSentItemsFolder()
Sent Items folder path on IMAP server.
- IMAPDraftsFolder()
Drafts folder path on IMAP server.
- IMAPDirty()
- IMAPPollAllFolders()
Check for new messages in all folders on IMAP server.
HTTP Fields
- HTTPServer()
HTTPMail server url.
- HTTPUserName()
User name used when connecting to HTTPMail server.
- HTTPPassword()
Password used when connecting to HTTPMail server.
- HTTPPasswordPrompt()
Prompt for password when connecting to HTTPMail server.
- HTTPAuthUseSPA()
Logon to HTTPMail server using Secure Password Authentication (SPA).
- HTTPFriendlyName()
- HTTPPolling()
Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing.
NNTP Fields
- NNTPServer()
NNTP server host name.
- NNTPUserName()
User name used when connecting to NNTP server.
- NNTPPassword()
Password used when connecting to NNTP server.
- NNTPPasswordPrompt()
Prompt for password when logging on to NNTP server.
- NNTPAuthMethod()
Authentication method required by NNTP server. One of the IAF_AM_* enumeration values.
- NNTPPort()
NNTP server port.
- NNTPSecureConnection()
Use secure connection (SSL) to the NNTP server.
- NNTPTimeout()
Timeout in seconds for communication with NNTP server.
- NNTPDisplayName()
Display name of the user. This is used as a name in 'From:' message header.
- NNTPOrganizationName()
Organization of the user. This is used in 'Organization:' message header.
- NNTPEmailAddress()
Sender email address. This is used as the email address in 'From:' message header.
- NNTPReplyToEmailAddress()
Reply To email address. This is used as the email address in 'Reply-To:' message header.
- NNTPSplitMessages()
Break apart messages.
- NNTPSplitMessageSize()
Break apart messages larger than the size in KB.
- NNTPUseGroupDescriptions()
Use newsgroups descriptions when downloading newsgroups list from NNTP server.
- NNTPPolling()
Include this account when receiving messages.
- NNTPPostingFormat()
News posting format.
- NNTPSignature()
Registry key of the NNTP signature.
Misc Fields
- TemporaryAccount()
- ConnectionFlags()
- BackupConnectionName()
- MakeAvailableOffline()
- ServerReadOnly()
- DomainIsMSN()
- AdBarURL()
- ShowAdBar()
- MinPollingInterval()
- GotPollingInterval()
- LastPolledTime()
Enumeration Values
ConnectionType Values
Connect using local network.
Connect using 3rd party dialer.
Connect using dial-up account.
Use IE connection setting.
AuthMethod Values
SMTP server does not require authentication.
Logon to SMTP server using name and Secure Password Authentication (SPA).
Logon to SMTP server using incoming mail server settings.
Logon to SMTP server using name and plaintext password.
PostingFormat Values
Use news sending format defined in program options.
Ignore news sending format defined in program options and post using plain text.
Ignore news sending format defined in program options and post using HTML.
Przemek Czerkas, <pczerkas at>
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Win32::Outlook::IAF
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Copyright 2007 Przemek Czerkas, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.