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History for OTRS::OPM::Maker::Command::sopm

1.43 2020-11-30

    * add new feature: in the json metadata the package author can define the package name for the var::packagesetup module

1.41 2020-09-10

    * add ColumnDrops for all columns added to non-package tables

1.40 2017-12-04

    * Define which utils class should be used for OTRS6

1.39 2017-06-02

    * now  it is possible to just use 'code': ['Install','Uninstall',...] to create the CodeXXXX sections

1.38 2017-05-30

    * now the phase when the code should be run can be defined

1.37 2017-04-11

    * add support for KIX - just define 'product: KIX' in the JSON file
      and CodeXXXX sections are created correctly

1.36 2016-12-01

    * add support for 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' framework version

1.35 2016-07-03

    * Define required Perl version

1.34 2016-06-28

    * add support for UniqueCreate and UniqueDrop

1.33 2016-01-07

    * When framework version is only OTRS5 the old OTRS3 utils module was loaded, now it loads the necessary OTRS4 utils module

1.32 2016-01-07

    * add support for changes_file in .json file to keep track of the changes in an extra file

1.31 2015-12-03

    * add ColumnDrop handling

1.30 2015-11-30

    * add ForeignKeyDrop handling

1.29 2015-02-17

    * fix db bug: table drops were added in alphabetical order, now they are added in
      reverse order of definition as they might depend on each other

1.28 2014-12-17

    * support changelog

    * fix pod error

1.27 2014-12-10

    * Now you can exclude files from being included

    * Add a description
    * Add some basic examples

1.26 2014-12-09

    * Add warnings when OTRS 3.x files are found (.dtl) and OTRS 4.0 is specified
    * Update packagesetup routine for OTRS 4.0
    * Add warning when OTRS 3.x and OTRS 4.x are specified as framework versions

    * moved basic tests to t/base/
    * new warnings tests in t/warnings/
    * add tests for OTRS4
    * add tests for CodeInstall/-Upgrade/-Uninstall

1.25 2014-09-29

    + check column types

1.24 2014-09-28

    + added support for "multiline" inserts

1.23 2014-09-28

    + added support for ForeignKeyCreate

1.21 2014-05-09

     + added xml comment that the .sopm was generated
     + made CVS tag optional

1.20 2014-04-17

     + improved handling of "Uniques" in table creates
     + added tests

1.19 2014-04-04

     + improved handling for Intro tags
     + added tests

1.18 2013-10-31

     + fix bug in "<...Required>": the required version wasn't added
     + improved tests
     + add Changes file