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Unisyn::Parse - Parse a Unisyn expression.


Parse the Unisyn expression:

    my $expr = "𝗮𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛⌊⟨❨𝗯𝗽❩⟩𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬❪𝘀𝗰❫⌋⟢𝗮𝗮𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛❬𝗯𝗯𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬𝗰𝗰❭⟢";


  create (K(address, Rutf8 $expr))->print;

to get:

  ok Assemble(debug => 0, eq => <<END);
    Assign: 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛
        Variable: 𝗮
        Brackets: ⌊⌋
              Dyad: 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬
                  Brackets: ❨❩
                        Brackets: ❬❭
                              Variable: 𝗯𝗽
                  Brackets: ❰❱
                        Variable: 𝘀𝗰
    Assign: 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛
        Variable: 𝗮𝗮
        Brackets: ❴❵
              Dyad: 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬
                  Variable: 𝗯𝗯
                  Variable: 𝗰𝗰


Parse a Unisyn expression.

Version "20210915".

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.


Create a Unisyn parse of a utf8 string.

create($address, %options)

Create a new unisyn parse from a utf8 string.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $address   Address of a zero terminated utf8 source string to parse as a variable
  2  %options   Parse options.


    create (K(address, Rutf8 $Lex->{sampleText}{vav}))->print;                    # Create parse tree from source terminated with zero  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok Assemble(debug => 0, eq => <<END);
  Assign: 𝑎
      Variable: 𝗮
      Variable: 𝗯


Parse Unisyn expressions


Traverse the parse tree


Traverse the terms in parse tree in post order and call the operator subroutine associated with each term.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $parse     Parse tree


    my $p = create (K(address, Rutf8 $Lex->{sampleText}{A}), operators => sub
     {my ($parse) = @_;
      my $assign = Subroutine
       {PrintOutStringNL "call assign";
       } [], name=>"UnisynParse::assign";
      my $equals = Subroutine
       {PrintOutStringNL "call equals";
       } [], name=>"UnisynParse::equals";
      my $o = $parse->operators;                                                  # Operator subroutines
      $o->assign(asciiToAssignLatin("assign"), $assign);
      $o->assign(asciiToAssignLatin("equals"), $equals);
    $p->traverseTermsAndCall;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Assemble(debug => 0, eq => <<END)
  call equals


Print a parse tree


Print a parse tree.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $parse     Parse tree


    create (K(address, Rutf8 $Lex->{sampleText}{vav}))->print;                    # Create parse tree from source terminated with zero  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok Assemble(debug => 0, eq => <<END);
  Assign: 𝑎
      Variable: 𝗮
      Variable: 𝗯


A set of quarks describing the method to be called for each lexical operator. These routines specialize the general purpose quark methods for use on parse methods.


Return a descriptor for a subQuarks in the specified arena.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $arena     Arena descriptor


Create quarks in a specified arena.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $arena     Arena description optional arena address

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::reload($q, %options)

Reload the description of a set of sub quarks.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Subquarks
  2  %options   {arena=>arena to use; tree => first tree block; array => first array block}

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::put($q, $string, $sub)

Put a new subroutine definition into the sub quarks.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Subquarks
  2  $string    String containing operator type and method name
  3  $sub       Variable offset to subroutine

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::subFromQuark($q, $lexicals, $number)

Given the quark number for a lexical item and the quark set of lexical items get the offset of the associated method.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Sub quarks
  2  $lexicals  Lexical item quarks
  3  $number    Lexical item quark

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::lexToString($q, $alphabet, $op)

Convert a lexical item to a string.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Sub quarks
  2  $alphabet  The alphabet number
  3  $op        The operator name in that alphabet

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::dyad($q, $text, $sub)

Define a method for a dyadic operator.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Sub quarks
  2  $text      Sub quarks
  3  $sub       The name of the operator as a utf8 string

Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::assign($q, $text, $sub)

Define a method for an assign operator.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $q         Sub quarks
  2  $text      The name of the operator as a utf8 string
  3  $sub       Variable associated subroutine offset

assignToShortString($short, $text)

Create a short string representing a dyad and put it in the specified short string.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $short     The number of the short string
  2  $text      The text of the operator in the assign alphabet


Translate between alphabets


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the assign latin alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the assign greek alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the dyad latin alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the dyad greek alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the prefix latin alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the prefix greek alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix latin alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix greek alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix latin alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix greek alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the escaped ascii alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $in        A string of ascii


Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the escaped ascii alphabet.

Hash Definitions

Unisyn::Parse Definition

Sub quarks

Output fields


Address of source string as utf8


Arena containing tree


Number of failures encountered in this parse


Methods implementing each lexical operator


Offset to the head of the parse tree


Quarks representing the strings used in this parse


Size of source string as utf8


Source text as utf32


Length of utf32 string


Size of utf32 allocation


The quarks used to map a subroutine name to an offset

Private Methods

getAlpha($register, $address, $index)

Load the position of a lexical item in its alphabet from the current character.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $register  Register to load
  2  $address   Address of start of string
  3  $index     Index into string

getLexicalCode($register, $address, $index)

Load the lexical code of the current character in memory into the specified register.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $register  Register to load
  2  $address   Address of start of string
  3  $index     Index into string

putLexicalCode($register, $address, $index, $code)

Put the specified lexical code into the current character in memory.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $register  Register used to load code
  2  $address   Address of string
  3  $index     Index into string
  4  $code      Code to put


Load the details of the character currently being processed so that we have the index of the character in the upper half of the current character and the lexical type of the character in the lowest byte.


Check that we have at least the specified number of elements on the stack.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $depth     Number of elements required on the stack


Push the current element on to the stack.


Push the empty element on to the stack.


Lexical name for a lexical item described by its letter.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $l         Letter of the lexical item


Lexical number for a lexical item described by its letter.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $l         Letter of the lexical item

lexicalItemLength($source32, $offset)

Put the length of a lexical item into variable size.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $source32  B<address> of utf32 source representation
  2  $offset    B<offset> to lexical item in utf32

new($depth, $description)

Create a new term in the parse tree rooted on the stack.

     Parameter     Description
  1  $depth        Stack depth to be converted
  2  $description  Text reason why we are creating a new term


Write an error message and stop.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $message   Error message

testSet($set, $register)

Test a set of items, setting the Zero Flag is one matches else clear the Zero flag.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $set       Set of lexical letters
  2  $register  Register to test


Check that one of a set of items is on the top of the stack or complain if it is not.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $set       Set of lexical letters


Convert the longest possible expression on top of the stack into a term at the specified priority.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $priority  Priority of the operators to reduce


Reduce existing operators on the stack.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $priority  Priority of the operators to reduce






Closing parenthesis.


Infix but not assign or semi-colon.




Post fix.


Semi colon.




Parse the string of classified lexical items addressed by register $start of length $length. The resulting parse tree (if any) is returned in r15.


Replace the low three bytes of a utf32 bracket character with 24 bits of offset to the matching opening or closing bracket. Opening brackets have even codes from 0x10 to 0x4e while the corresponding closing bracket has a code one higher.

     Parameter    Description
  1  @parameters  Parameters


Scan input string looking for opportunities to convert new lines into semi colons.

     Parameter    Description
  1  @parameters  Parameters


Classify white space per: "lib/Unisyn/whiteSpace/".

     Parameter    Description
  1  @parameters  Parameters

parseUtf8($parse, @parameters)

Parse a unisyn expression encoded as utf8 and return the parse tree.

     Parameter    Description
  1  $parse       Parse
  2  @parameters  Parameters

printLexicalItem($parse, $source32, $offset, $size)

Print the utf8 string corresponding to a lexical item at a variable offset.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $parse     Parse tree
  2  $source32  B<address> of utf32 source representation
  3  $offset    B<offset> to lexical item in utf32
  4  $size      B<size> in utf32 chars of item


Show an alphabet.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $alphabet  Alphabet name

T($key, $expected, %options)

Parse some text and dump the results.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $key       Key of text to be parsed
  2  $expected  Expected result
  3  %options   Options

C($key, $expected, %options)

Parse some text and print the results.

     Parameter  Description
  1  $key       Key of text to be parsed
  2  $expected  Expected result
  3  %options   Options


1 accept_a - Assign.

2 accept_B - Closing parenthesis.

3 accept_b - Open.

4 accept_d - Infix but not assign or semi-colon.

5 accept_p - Prefix.

6 accept_q - Post fix.

7 accept_s - Semi colon.

8 accept_v - Variable.

9 asciiToAssignGreek - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the assign greek alphabet.

10 asciiToAssignLatin - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the assign latin alphabet.

11 asciiToDyadGreek - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the dyad greek alphabet.

12 asciiToDyadLatin - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the dyad latin alphabet.

13 asciiToEscaped - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the escaped ascii alphabet.

14 asciiToPrefixGreek - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the prefix greek alphabet.

15 asciiToPrefixLatin - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the prefix latin alphabet.

16 asciiToSuffixGreek - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix greek alphabet.

17 asciiToSuffixLatin - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix latin alphabet.

18 asciiToVariableGreek - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix greek alphabet.

19 asciiToVariableLatin - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the suffix latin alphabet.

20 assignToShortString - Create a short string representing a dyad and put it in the specified short string.

21 C - Parse some text and print the results.

22 checkSet - Check that one of a set of items is on the top of the stack or complain if it is not.

23 checkStackHas - Check that we have at least the specified number of elements on the stack.

24 ClassifyNewLines - Scan input string looking for opportunities to convert new lines into semi colons.

25 ClassifyWhiteSpace - Classify white space per: "lib/Unisyn/whiteSpace/whiteSpaceClassification.

26 create - Create a new unisyn parse from a utf8 string.

27 error - Write an error message and stop.

28 getAlpha - Load the position of a lexical item in its alphabet from the current character.

29 getLexicalCode - Load the lexical code of the current character in memory into the specified register.

30 lexicalItemLength - Put the length of a lexical item into variable size.

31 lexicalNameFromLetter - Lexical name for a lexical item described by its letter.

32 lexicalNumberFromLetter - Lexical number for a lexical item described by its letter.

33 loadCurrentChar - Load the details of the character currently being processed so that we have the index of the character in the upper half of the current character and the lexical type of the character in the lowest byte.

34 MatchBrackets - Replace the low three bytes of a utf32 bracket character with 24 bits of offset to the matching opening or closing bracket.

35 Nasm::X86::Arena::CreateSubQuarks - Create quarks in a specified arena.

36 Nasm::X86::Arena::DescribeSubQuarks - Return a descriptor for a subQuarks in the specified arena.

37 new - Create a new term in the parse tree rooted on the stack.

38 parseExpression - Parse the string of classified lexical items addressed by register $start of length $length.

39 parseUtf8 - Parse a unisyn expression encoded as utf8 and return the parse tree.

40 print - Print a parse tree.

41 printLexicalItem - Print the utf8 string corresponding to a lexical item at a variable offset.

42 pushElement - Push the current element on to the stack.

43 pushEmpty - Push the empty element on to the stack.

44 putLexicalCode - Put the specified lexical code into the current character in memory.

45 reduce - Convert the longest possible expression on top of the stack into a term at the specified priority.

46 reduceMultiple - Reduce existing operators on the stack.

47 semiColon - Translate ascii to the corresponding letters in the escaped ascii alphabet.

48 showAlphabet - Show an alphabet.

49 T - Parse some text and dump the results.

50 testSet - Test a set of items, setting the Zero Flag is one matches else clear the Zero flag.

51 traverseTermsAndCall - Traverse the terms in parse tree in post order and call the operator subroutine associated with each term.

52 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::assign - Define a method for an assign operator.

53 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::dyad - Define a method for a dyadic operator.

54 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::lexToString - Convert a lexical item to a string.

55 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::put - Put a new subroutine definition into the sub quarks.

56 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::reload - Reload the description of a set of sub quarks.

57 Unisyn::Parse::SubQuarks::subFromQuark - Given the quark number for a lexical item and the quark set of lexical items get the offset of the associated method.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

  sudo cpan install Unisyn::Parse



Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 3300:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 5 lines of content