Revision history for Perl extension File-ShareDir

1.02	2014-05-12
    - Fix RT#95572 "necessary test files not copied into blib"
      Thanks to Graham Knop for fixing and Zefram for reporting
    - Explicitely require warnings as runtime prerequisite
      Thanks to Graham Knop for reporting

1.101	2014-05-10
    - Reformat Changes according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Switch to EU::MM
    - fix RT#95401 (Thanks, Dolmen)
    - Taking Maintainership (Jens Rehsack, thanks to David Golden)

1.03	2010-02-01
    - Upgraded to Module::Install 1.00

1.02	2010-05-18
    - Upgraded to Module::Install 0.95
    - Removed Params::Util dep (MIYAGAWA)

1.01	2009-11-24
    - Updating Module::Install to 0.91
    - Fix typo in documentation (Thanks, ribasushi)

1.00	2009-07-17
    - Everything appears ok, release prod

0.99_01	2009-07-10
    - Updating tests a little
    - Adding the class_file function
    - Allow *_file to find any kind of path, not just files (hdp)
    - Localising $@ during evals
    - Implementing the new sharedir model

0.05	2006-09-04
    - Upgrading to Module::Install 0.64

0.04	2006-05-09
    - Made module_dir work properly under MSWin32 (ishigaki)

0.03	2006-12-27
    - Upgraded to Module::Install 0.55
    - Added an additional test case for a bug(sort of) in 0.54

0.02	2005-12-11
    - Made dist_file work properly with Module::Install::Share

0.01	2005-12-10
    - First implementation