Changes for version 2.3

  • cram tests moved to the scripts directory to allow install when CRAM reference archive is unavailable


The Kseq iterator


Read files using HTSlib including BAM/CRAM, Tabix and BCF database files
Add high-level methods to Bio::DB::HTS::Alignment
The HTS alignment object
Constants for use with SAM/BAM
Perl extension for accessing bgzip compressed and indexed FASTA using htslib
Bindings to Kseq
Entry from a Kseq iterator
Object passed to pileup() callback
Add high-level methods to Bio::DB::HTS::Pileup
Object representing the query portion of a BAM/SAM alignment
Object oriented access to the underlying tbx C methods
XS module wrapping around a tabix hts_itr_t
Object representing the query portion of a BAM/SAM alignment in NATIVE alignment
Read VCF/BCF data files


in lib/Bio/DB/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/HTS/
in lib/Bio/DB/
in lib/Bio/DB/