Games::Traveller::Animals -- the Traveller Animal Encounter matrix
use Games::Traveller::UWP;
use Games::Traveller::Animals;
use Games::Traveller::Animals::AnimalEncounter;
my $uwp1 = new Games::Traveller::UWP;
$uwp1->readUwp( 'Reference 0140 A887887-A B Ri Cp 323 Im K7 V' );
my $at = new Games::Traveller::Animals;
# Given a world's physical data, generate an animal table.
$at->generateAnimalTable( $uwp1->size, $uwp1->atmosphere, $uwp1->hydrosphere );
# Fetch the list of terrain types.
print $at->terrainTypes, "\n";
# Dump the encounter tables in ASCII.
print $at->toString();
# Access the data individually.
my @terrainTypes = $at->terrainTypes;
foreach my $terrain (@terrainTypes)
print "$terrain\n";
my @encounterTable = @{$at->terrainTables->{$terrain}};
foreach my $encounter (@encounterTable)
# $encounter is of type Games::Traveller::Animals::AnimalEncounter,
# which has a bunch of convenient accessors in it.
printf ("%2d%2s %-14s %4s %3.3s/%-2.2s %9.9s %3.3s %-7s %s\n",
$self->attribute || '',
Pasuuli Immuguna
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The latest version of this library is likely to be available from CPAN.