Changes for version 2.09 - 2013-05-31

  • Re-write the code in Build.PL and Makefile.PL which checks for Graphviz (dot) being installed, since the previous code, using a pipe, was failing on some versions of Windows.
  • Assume is installed, and hence remove it from the pre-reqs. This also stops a warning message generated because Config's version # is undef.
  • Likewise assume File::Spec and File::Temp are installed, and 'recent enough'. This is because the new code uses these 3 modules before specifying the pre-reqs.
  • Bump the pre-req for Perl from 5.10.0 to 5.14, since we 'use feature qw/unicode_strings/.
  • Re-write the code in Build.PL and Makefile.PL which checks for Perl being 'recent enough', since the previous code, using a pre-req of "perl => '5.10.0'" generates a warning message when using Makefile.PL (for my current Perl V 5.14.2). Now we analyze $Config{version}.
  • One CPAN Tester found tests failing even though Graphviz was installed. The problem was that the Times font was missing. The new code should fail during 'perl Build.PL', or 'perl Makefile.PL', rather than during testing, which is good.


A wrapper for AT&T's Graphviz
Visualize a database schema as a graph
Visualize a data structure as a graph
Visualize N Perl class hierarchies as a graph
Visualize a Marpa grammar as a graph
Visualize a Parse::RecDescent grammar as a graph
Visualize a Perl regular expression as a graph
Visualize a Set::FA::Element state transition table as a graph
Visualize XML as a graph
Visualize a yacc grammar as a graph
Visualize a yapp grammar as a graph
Some utils to simplify testing