Changes for version 0.051005 - 2019-11-06
- Bad lexical scope for $has_terminator Re-declared $has_terminator as "my" in the case of Getopt::Long < 2.51, which made it pretty much a no-op.
- Files modified: lib/Term/CLI/
- Fix BuildRequires and Provides in Fedora pkg spec.
- Files modified: pkg/fedora/perl-Term-CLI.spec
introduction to Term::CLI class/module structure
tips, tricks, and examples for Term::CLI
CLI interpreter based on Term::ReadLine
generic parent class for arguments in Term::CLI
class for "boolean" arguments in Term::CLI
class for "enum" string arguments in Term::CLI
class for file name arguments in Term::CLI
base class for numerical arguments in Term::CLI
class for floating point arguments in Term::CLI
class for integer arguments in Term::CLI
class for basic string arguments in Term::CLI
generic base class for Term::CLI classes
Class for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
A generic 'help' command for Term::CLI
generic parent class for elements in Term::CLI
localizations for Term::CLI
English localizations for Term::CLI
Dutch localizations for Term::CLI
maintain a single Term::ReadLine object
Role for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
Role for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
Role for generating help text in Term::CLI
Other files
- Changes
- META.json
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- cpanfile
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/