Changes for version 0.053001 - 2021-12-22
- Features
- Now indepenent of Term::ReadLine implementation I.e. compatible with Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Stub as well (though Term::ReadLine::Gnu is still the best supported).
- Improved signal handling:
- Add `ignore_keyboard_signal`.
- Ignore QUIT control sequence (makes ::Gnu behave like ::Perl).
- Allow Term::CLI::Argument::Enum values to be provided dynamically Term::CLI::Argument::Enum's value_list attribute may be a coderef, which should return an array reference of valid values. (Pull request #13 from djerius/dynamic-enum.)
- Add "cleanup" attribute.
- Tutorial
- Formatting fixes.
- Add SIGNAL HANDLING section.
- Add tutorial/
- Use `local($SIG{...})` in `sleep` command.
- Refactoring
- Move most history logic to Term::CLI::ReadLine Term::CLI::ReadLine is much more of a compatibility layer between Term::CLI and Term::ReadLine now, providing compatibility code to compensate for missing functionality in the underlying Term::ReadLine implementation.
- Bug Fixes
- Fix Enum validation - closes #10 Enum validation finds potential matches to an argument by performing prefix comparison against the list of valid values. This works fine as long as the valid values are not prefixes of each other; if they are, then the shorter strings will never be considered valid input.
- GNU ReadLine - exclude prompt ornaments for leading/trailing whitespace. The Term::ReadLine::GNU implementation will just slap the prompt between the ornament-start/ornament-end sequences, but this looks ugly if there are leading/trailing spaces and the ornament is set to e.g. underline or standout. This is now brought in line with how the Term::ReadLine::Perl implementation handles it, by inserting relevant escape sequences where necessary.
- Packaging
- Various build fixes.
- Remove prereq on Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
introduction to Term::CLI class/module structure
tips, tricks, and examples for Term::CLI
CLI interpreter based on Term::ReadLine
generic parent class for arguments in Term::CLI
class for "boolean" arguments in Term::CLI
class for "enum" string arguments in Term::CLI
class for file name arguments in Term::CLI
base class for numerical arguments in Term::CLI
class for floating point arguments in Term::CLI
class for integer arguments in Term::CLI
class for basic string arguments in Term::CLI
generic base class for Term::CLI classes
Class for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
A generic 'help' command for Term::CLI
generic parent class for elements in Term::CLI
localizations for Term::CLI
English localizations for Term::CLI
Dutch localizations for Term::CLI
Term::ReadLine compatibility layer for Term::CLI
Role for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
Role for (sub-)commands in Term::CLI
Role for generating help text in Term::CLI
Other files
- Changes
- META.json
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- cpanfile
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/
- tutorial/