Revision history for Test-Output

0.08    07/19/2005
        Supressed most warnings caused by newer versions of Test::Tester

0.07    03/26/2005
        Added methods: combined_is, combined_isnt, combined_like and
          combined_unlike. This combine STDOUT and STDERR into one
          filehandle and capture their output for testing.

0.06    03/07/2005
        Applied patch from David Wheeler to support code blocks within
          tests as well as coderefs.

0.05    03/04/2005
        Added chromatic's patch fixing diag messages printing even when
          tests pass.
        Updated stdout_unlike.t to test for success.
        Updated all tests for successful tests to include diag => ''.

0.04    03/02/2005
        Added methods: output_like, output_unlike
        Moved output_from stdout_from and stderr_from out of @EXPORT
          and into @EXPORT_OK.
        Reworked diag messages for output_is and output_isnt to only show
          the output that doesn't match.
        replaced "comment" with "description"
        More tests
        Much refactoring

0.03    02/16/2005
        Reworked entire POD. Thanks to rjbs for his suggestions.
        Additional POD fixes (date to data thanks to everyone who caught
        New methods: stderr_like, stderr_unlike, stdout_like, stdout_unlike
        Updated README from the default one created by Module::Starter.
        Moved private methods _err,_out, and _errandout to stderr_from
          stdout_from and output_from respectively. Allowing access from
          the test file. Thanks to rjbs for this suggestion.

0.02    02/12/2005
        New methods: output_isnt, stderr_inst, stdout_isnt
        Removed requirement for Filehandle
        Removed errant leftover Test::Builder::Tester::Color from tests
        Migrated all tests to Test::Tester (Test::Tester now a prereq)

0.01    02/12/2005
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.