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Revision history for Business::ISP::* 

0.13_02 2012-03-07
- added 'configure' argument to 'perl Makefile.PL' so that CPAN
  can automatically extract the distribution while bypassing
  the inherent user-input questions that normally occur
- added a new 'cleanall' target for make, and added a few more files
  to the 'clean_dist' sub-target

0.13_01   2012-03-07
- implemented the new HST tax system (but left gst/pst in the config
  file just in case)
- renamed src/examples/steve.pref to src/examples/admin.pref
- removed the production [Bank] section from config file
- removed all instances of site-specific names (some functions may
  have broken as a result)
- replaced my old email author address
- added a META_MERGE{} section in Makefile.PL to house our bugtracker
  and repository links
- vim retab all files to four-space tabs
- updated README with some basic info

Notable bug fixes:

- bug 208: client_info() now updates the db properly
- bug 209: editable form fields now default to whatever is currently
           set, if something is currently set

- major inroads into the Reporting framework
- new functions to manage CGI sessions
- more granular returns for the ledgers
- system can now identify a devel/test system from a production one by
  simply including a lower-case 'd' at the end of the version number in
  the live-time config file. eg: 0.12d (bug 194)
- API CHANGE: Reports::total_by_payment_type to income_by_payment_type()
- three other reports written
- Business::ISP::Email config is saved across re-installations
- Conversion routines now deal with the resetting of their invoice
  numbers, starting from one

Notable bug fixes:

- bug 194: gui now clearly outputs a warning to let the operator know
           that they are working within a devel environment ('d' after
           the ver num)
- bug 187: reports must have the ability to delete its own session data
- bug 177: gledger was not inserting payment value even in cases where
           the payment type was invoice or not
- bug 202: in the GUI display, the location of the config file is now 
           accurate. Object contains this constant, and it remains
- bug 205: 'payment' and 'amount' are now being handled correctly upon

- changed version numbering scheme, again
- new process auditing system introduced
- added Reports, Email and Billing
- documents (invoices/receipts) can now be emailed out
- first financial report complete

Notable bug fixes:

- bug 165: automated processes are now audited to ensure they don't run more
           than once per time-frame
- bug 157: upgrade check is now done via Makefile.PL
- bug 160: client's information is now editable, and also available in a
           detailed view as well
- bug 150: plana deduction now knows if it has run this month or not (bug 165)

- changed version numbering scheme
- created a GUI base class, Business::ISP::GUI::Base
- config file location can now be overridden by setting $ENV{ ISP_CONFIG }
- clicking on a config file heading or directive in the GUI 'Display Config'
  will take you to the specific portion of the online documentation
- MySQL replication now fully functional
- PlanA unused deduction framework complete, only lacking the write-to-db
- the 'plan status' change link now updates the RADIUS password depending
  on whether the account is going on hold, or back to active
- numerous documentation updates/fixes
- perlcritic severity 5 pass
- all tests pass
- deleting a user plan results in auto notes, as does a couple of other
- purchase item field now defaults to blank

Notable bug fixes:

- bug 84: master database 'locking' functional. Reads happen from slaves, and
  attempted writes displays warning messages
- bug 41: the .t testing system now uses it's own SQLite database
- bug 91: renew() a plan that can't be renewed now displays something sane
- bug 65: huge overhaul on the installer and Makefile.PL
- bug 56: if a user's username is different from one of their plan's login
          name, the login name will be preferred when searching the RADIUS
- bug 9 : account renewals now reset the user's RADIUS password if the account
          had been put on hold 

- config file has been renamed as ISP.conf-dist and it is installed via
  make. This ensures that during an upgrade, an existing config file is
  not overwritten
- introduced DBIx::Class, and rewrote all calls requiring DB operations
  to use it
- DEPRECATED Business::ISP::Object::dsn() and Business::ISP::Object::db_handle(). They will
  be obsoleted/removed ~v0.0.10
- ALPHA database replication implemented
- added new targets to Makefile.PL. make install now installs everything
- config file now has a man page: "man Business::ISP::ISP.conf"
- configuration file directives in the gui now take the user to the appropriate
  section of the config file manual when clicked on
- ISP.conf config file now has a man page ( perldoc Business::ISP::ISP.conf )
- simulated master database server locking introduced

- all methods/functions that require more than one parameter passed in
  now require all parameters passed in within a hash reference
- massive documentation (POD) updates
- upgraded to perl 5.10

- merger with eagleaccounting is complete. Some of the older scripts
  may still be needed, but a re-write of them is most likely