Changes for version 1.07

  • Makefile.PL
  • added EXE_FILES key
  • added PREREQ_PM key
  • Pod::Tree
  • preserve paragraph endings
  • preserve non-POD content
  • added has_pod() method
  • Pod::Tree::Node
  • added code() and is_code()
  • added get_brackets() method
  • added get_raw() method
  • added clone() method
  • added set_filename()/get_filename() methods
  • added get_domain() and support for L<http://...>
  • carry =pod and =cut in command nodes
  • SplitBar() split(/\|/,,2) to protect links with a verbar
  • Pod::Tree:HTML
  • fixed load_paragraphs() call in resolve_source()
  • added depth option
  • render =for image foo.gif as <img src="foo.gif">
  • rewhacked _emit_link to support target domains
  • Pod::Tree::Pod
  • correctly reconstructs L<> markups
  • Pod::Tree::PerlDist
  • added perl* links for the README.* files
  • Pod::Tree::PerlFunc
  • fixed ShiftItems() to handle the getpw* items in perlfunc.pod
  • Pod::Tree::PerlTop
  • added _get_dist_links() to pick up the README.* files
  • pods2html
  • fixed relative links
  • don't translate if foo.pod exists
  • works if HTMLDir is a subdir of PodDir
  • create HTMLDir with File::Path::mkpath
  • t/
  • moved all the test files into .d/ directories


generate Perl documentation in HTML
translate a POD to HTML
translate a tree of PODs to HTML


Create a static syntax tree for a POD
Generate HTML from a Pod::Tree
nodes in a Pod::Tree
translate program PODs to HTML
translate Perl distribution documentation to HTML
translate perlfunc.pod to HTML
translate module PODs to HTML
map names to URLs
translate Perl PODs to HTML
generate a top-level index for Perl PODs
Convert a Pod::Tree back to a POD


in lib/Pod/Tree/
in lib/Pod/Tree/
in lib/Pod/Tree/