Revision history for Net-Async-ControlChannel

0.005     2014-08-04 21:17:30+01:00 Europe/London
	No new features

	Bug fixes:
	* on_listen_error is now required in the ->listen call, ensure we
	handle this by failing the ->listening Future

0.004     2013-10-22 00:13:54 Europe/London
	No new features

	Bug fixes:
	* Delay connection notification until after the new client is set up,
	allowing the server to send welcome messages

0.003     2013-09-24 07:37:28 Europe/London
	No new features

	Test fixes:
	* Updated Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile as described in RT88890,
	thanks to CHORNY for reporting

0.002     2013-09-20 05:55:04 Europe/London
	No new features

	Dependency fixes:
	* Include IO::Async in cpanfile

0.001     2013-09-19 06:55:14 Europe/London
	Initial CPAN release