
2004-02-28 v0.01 Tels - 153 tests (first version)
  * first working draft
  * from SDL::App::FPS:
    + Games::Irrlicht
    + Games::Irrlicht::Thingy
    + Games::Irrlicht::Timer
    + Games::Irrlicht::EventHandler (not functional)
    + Games::Irrlicht::Group

2004-02-29 v0.02 Tels - 156 tests
  * added getPrimitiveCountDrawn(), addCameraSceneNodeFPS()
  * hide_mouse_cursor()
  * print out what went wrong in init_engine()
  * query filesystem, too
  * fixed the Makefile.PL building, thanx Nick. Ing. Simmons!

2004-03-06 v0.03 Tels - 158 tests
  * Irrlicht: added FileSystem(), SzeneManager(), GUIEnvironment(),
    VideoDriver(), IrrlichtDevice()
  * tests for these
  * EventReceiver supresses output if disable_logging, used by tests
  * use  mbstowcs() to convert Perl scalar for wchar* functions

2004-03-14 v0.04 Tels - 163 tests
  * added a preliminary Makefile.PL.win32
  * added for device:
    + getVersion()
    + isWindowActive()
  * added for filesystem: 
    + changeWorkingDirectoryTo()
    + getWorkingDirectory()
    + FileExists()
  * added getOSOperator() and getOperationSystemVersion()
  * added Games::Irrlicht::Constants so that you get EDT_OPENGL etc.

Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!

Tels <http://bloodgate.com/>