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Revision history for Perl extension HTTP::Headers::Fast

0.22 2019-04-16T01:51:15Z

    Fixed test case(Slaven Rezić)

0.21 2017-02-10T03:10:11Z

    - rename flatten to psgi_flatten for fixing compatibility issue plack/plack#541
    - Copy "content_is_text" method from HTTP::Headers

0.20 2015-11-20T04:44:09Z

    - add flatten and flatten_without_sort
      (masahiro nagano)

0.19 2015-08-20T05:17:30Z

    - Make standard_case hash global to allow adding XS easily

0.18 2015-06-19T06:06:14Z

    - import content_type_charset from HTTP::Headers. #5

0.17 2013-11-14T04:51:31Z

    - minil migrate

0.16 2012-04-15

    - oops

0.15 2012-04-10

    - fixed deps

0.14 2012-04-08

    - fixed packaging issue

0.13 2010-07-28

    - fixed dependency issue

0.12 2010-01-22
    - Strip out empty lines separated by CRLF.(markstos)
      Before the patch, an embedded CRLF would be allowed through with a
      space added after it. This is spec-compliant but appears not to be
      the intent, based on the regex to remove empty lines in headers.  If
      a client accepted "CRLF\sCRLF\s" as a valid header end, then a CRLF
      injection attack would have been possible.
      (This patch was ported from the HTTP::Headers git repo. )

      The possiblity of the former behavior exploitably seems particular
      small. Apache won't even send out header that a space between
      the two required CRLFs.

0.11 2009-06-08

    - added 'sub isa' hack.
      (suggested by miyagawa++)

0.10 2009-02-21

    - oops. I forgot to remove 'use Test::Warn' orz.
      (reported by miyagawa++)

0.09 2009-02-19

    - no changes...

    [0.07 not released]
    - don't depend to Test::Warn

0.06 2009-02-04

    - fixed bugs in test code.
      0.05 doesn't works with older version of HTTP::Headers

0.05 2008-11-29

    - hmm... this module requires HTTP::Date

0.04 2008-11-26

    - added as_string_without_sort

0.03 2008-11-26

    - load Storable lazily. Storable doesn't needed in a lot of case.

0.02 2008-11-25

    - updated docs(by lestrrat++)

0.01 2008-11-25

    - original version