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Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::Gearman

0.03  2009-09-07T10:46:26+09:00
      - remove isa constraints for 'Guard', it's not used when PP mode.
      - add sleep in testcases for waiting server available

0.02  2009-09-03T18:25:40+09:00
      - change task uuid default value to ''
      - fix pod typos

0.01002 2009-09-03T10:19:58+09:00
      - add a missing prereq

0.01001 2009-09-02T18:05:37+09:00
      - fixed test's stupid END block (miyagawa++)
      - depends latest AnyEvent (tokuhirom++)

0.01  2009-09-02T16:13:24+09:00
      - original version