Changes for version 1.00 - 2007-02-16

  • contiguous_read_length() has now mandatory arguments. Trimming the ends is now optional.
  • Added methods to read all the ab1 file tags specified by the ABIF format, including fsa tags.
  • Added method write_tag() to overwrite existing data.
  • Methods returning a scalar now return 'undef' in case of error (e.g., tags not found).
  • Signed shorts and longs are correctly unpacked.
  • Methods sorted alphabetically.
  • Fixed a version mismatch.
  • Fized a bug in sample_score() occasionally causing division by zero. Also, sample_score() in some cases returned negative values: this has been fixed, too.
  • Changed the semantics of clear_range_start() and clear_range_stop(): both methods return -1 if no clear range exists.
  • Fixed bugs in clear_range_start() and clear_range_stop() that would cause an error in some (very unfortunate) cases.
  • Added clear_range() method, which returns an interval (start, stop).
  • Much faster conversion from binary to floats.
  • Fixed a bug in analysis_protocol_xml()


Perl extension for reading and parsing ABIF (Applied Biosystems, Inc. Format) files