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Revision history for Elive

1.23    26th January 2012
        - added quote() method - for quoting list() filter arguments.
        [bug fixes]
        - elive_raise_meeting: correctly handle login and group names with
          embedded single quotes, using Elive::Entity->quote().

1.22    5th January 2012
        - Untaint Ints once sanitised - for consistency with Enums and Bools.
        - Replaced Test::Builder->new with Test::More->builder
        00load.t, soap-connect.t:
        - now bai if any sub tests fail
        soap-session-participants.t, soap-participant-list.t:
        - reworked long participant list tests

1.21    3rd November 2011

        [error handling]
        - now produces a warning if an attempt is made to assign a
          moderator role to an invited guest.
        - Added taintness checks to the is_changed() method; which mow dies
          if any tainted data is detected.
        - is_changed() now also warns if a primary key has been updated.
        elive_raise_meeting, elive_query, elive_lint_config:
        - Changed all scripts to report usage errors to STDERR and exit
         on usage error with status code 2 [i.e. exit via pod2usage(2)].
        - now dies immediately with status code 2, on command parsing error,
          when being used non-interactively.

        - Replaced Test::Exception with Test::Fatal

1.20    15th October 2011

        - regressions from eLive 10.0.2, which is in limited release
          (tested against ELM 3.3.2 - 3.3.5)

        - Elive::DAO->set() - now dies when passed tainted data

        - elive_raise_meeting: replaced parse_participants() subroutine with
          Elive::Entity::Participants->new(..., -moderators..., -others...);

1.19    28th September 2011
        [bug fixes]
        - Replaced YAML with YAML::Syck. This fixed some puzzling
          compilation failures under 5.12.x and 5.14.2.

1.18    16th September 2011

        [bug fixes]
        - changed ownerId from 'Int' to 'Str' for LDAP compatibility
        - fixed delete() method to pass tests

        - insert/update of report body (xml) is still unreliable. Progressed
          slightly and updated 'Bugs & Limitations' pod.
        - fixed/updated example in pod

        - Documented retrieve() method for meeting parameters, server
          parameters, and participant lists
        - Documented list() method for preloads
1.17    9th September 2011
        [bug fixes]
        - Elive::Entity::Participant - changed user, group, guest and
          role properties to strictly hold only objects. For example,
          user property was "isa => 'Elive::Entity::User|Str'" but is
          now "isa => 'Elive::Entity::User'".

1.16    27th August 2011
        - Elive::Entity::Session - The ELM 3.x SessionInsert and SessionUpdate
          commands often return a null response rather that an error message
          which was then leading to messy failures while unpacking. Catch
          this earlier and return (as far as possible) a more meaningful
          error message.
        - elive_query: cleaned up code for succinctness.

1.15    24th August 2011
        More work on inaccessable server details. This can indicate
        that either the session manager or license manager are not running
        and reachable.
        - Elive::Connection::SDK - error message changed to "Unable to get
          server details. Are all services running?"
        Elive is no longer a base class for Elive::DAO. This is largely for
        Elive::StandardV2's benefit, which can now base itself directly on
        Elive::DAO rather than Elive.
         - Created new module Elive::DAO::_Base
        - Changed parent class for Elive::DAO and Elive::DAO::_Array from
          Elive to Elive::DAO::_Base
        - Set $Elive::DAO::VERSION = '0.01'

1.14    21st August 2011
        [bug fixes]
        Improved detection and handling of inaccessable server details.
        This is usually an indication that the Session Server (elive) is
        not running or is unreachable.
        - Elive::Connection::SDK - was dieing with 'Can't call method
          "version" on an undefined value'. Now produces the more meaningful
          'Unable to get server details is the Session Server (elive) running?'
        - elive_query: now produces a warning and continues
        - elive_raise_meeting: now dies with this error (unable to determine
          version) unless the '-use elm2 or -use elm3' options are present.
        General improvements to error messages and handling when the server
        details are inaccessable - the underlying problem should now be more
        obvious to the tester.

1.13    19th August 2011
        Improved support for sites running multiple session servers.
        - Elive::Connection::SDK - the server_details() method now returns a
          list of values when used in a list context.
        - Elive::DAO - avoid attempting to cache weak (keyless) entities. This
          is for Elive::StandardV2's benefit, e.g. the serverVersions entity.
        - Elive::Entity::ServerDetails - documented the  list() method. This
          is useful for sites that running multiple session servers.
        - script-elive_query.t - removed serverDetails singleton test (there
          can be multiple servers).
        - soap-session-participants.t - fixed planning

1.12    15th August 2011
        [bug fixes]
        Elive::DAO / Elive::Entity::Recording - the 'updateRecording' command
        can return a null response (observed under ELM 3.3.4). Added code to
        Elive::DAO to check for empty update responses and defensively refetch
        the raw data to complete the update and update checks.
        Elive::Entity::Recording - tidied up upload() and insert() pod

1.11    12th August 2011
        Elive::Entity::InvitedGuest - the login name, by convention, should
        be an email address. Changed pod and some tests to reflect this.

1.10    11th August 2011
        [bug fixes]
        - elive_raise_meeting: re-added default for meeting name (left out
          with Elive 1.09).

1.09    10th August 2011
        Further support for Elluminate Live version >= 9.0.0 < 9.5.0
        - elive_raise_meeting: Reintroduced automatic selection of session
          class based on version (see rev 0.96), but this time against
          earlier Elluminate Live! versions
          -- Elive::Entity::Session (-user elm3) is the default for
             Elluminate Live! >= 9.5.0
          -- Elive::View::Session (-use elm2) is otherwise the default

        removed $TEST_AUTHOR check from all script-*.t tests
        script-elive_raise_meeting.t - skip elm3 tests for Elluminate < 9.5

1.08    9th August 2011
        I regression tested against Elluminate 9.0 to check results.
        - Recording and groups had some problems and failing tests
        - I skipped all tests that involve Elive::Entity::Session. It
          wasn't usable (as expected).
        - Elive::View::Session worked pretty well, after one minor bug fix
          (see below).
        - I made some modifications to the soap-connect.t to treat 9.0 as the
          mininum supported version and 9.5+ as the recommended version.

        Under Elive 10.0.1+ the getUser command (Elive::Entity::User retrieve
        method) matches on both userId and loginName.
        - I relaxed the _readback() consistancy checks to allow this.  Also,
          added tests to soap-user.t to capture this behaviour.

       [bug fixes]
       - Elive::Entity::Session - the retrieve() method now returns undef when
         an attempt is made to access a non-existent meeting. This fix was
         sufficient pass all Elive::View::Session tests on Elluminate 9.0.

1.07    7th August 2011
        Some failures were detected when running soap-user.t and soap-group.t
        tests against earlier ELM 3.0 / Elive 9.5 servers. These were caused
        by attempting to parse 'domain' and 'groups' properties that were seen
        in early 3.0 responses. Some changes were made to silently ignore
        these properties.
        - Elive::DAO, Elive::Util - add 'Any' datatype for ignored properties
        - elive_query - ignore fields of type 'Any'
        - Elive::Entity::User - declare 'groups' and 'domain' as type 'Any'
        - Elive::Entity::User - declare 'domain' as type 'Any'
        Will monitor these properties in new releases.
        [bug fixes]
        elive_query - reverted use of Try::Tiny based on perl 5.8.3 regressions

1.06    6th August 2011
        elive_raise_meeting - added -all_moderators option
        - renamed class Elive::Array to Elive::DAO::Array. The old class name
          can still be referenced , but now produces a depreciated warning.
        - corrected occasional bogus failures (invalid ID generation) in
          mock tests.

1.05    1st August 2011
        [bug fixes]
        Elive::Entity::Session - corrected handling of invited guests in
        insert() and update () methods
        - Corrected SOAP delimiter for invited guests list from ',' to ';'
        - Disallow promotion of Invited guests to moderator, ie
          $participant->is_moderator(1) has no effect when the participant
          is a group ($participant->type == 1).

1.04    28th July 2011

        Essential changes to improve general security and play better with
        Perl's Taint mode. Elive now dies when any attempt is made to
        construct a request from tainted strings.
        - These changes will only have an impact when taint is enabled,
          e.g. '-T' has been passed as a perl option.
        - Taint checking is limited to outgoing strings (Str) in SOAP requests.
        - Neither booleans (Bool) or integers (Int) are checked. However both
          Int and Bool are sanitised when building SOAP requests.
        - No attempt is made to apply taint checking to incoming data from
          SOAP::Lite requests.

        Elive::Util::_freeze() - Any attempts to freeze tainted strings
          (type Str) while in taint mode now results in an error
        Elive::DAO::list() - the 'filter' parameter is now frozen to avoid
          bypassing taintness checks.
        Elive::Entity::Recording, Elive::Entity::Preload - all SOAP
          parameters are now frozen and taint checks are applied.

        Dropped dependency on Storable::dclone; replaced with Clone::clone.
        - Storable::dclone doesn't seem to honor taintness, whereas
          Clone::clone does.

       Elive::Entity::Recording - added BUILDARGS method. 'size' is now
       computed and doesn't need to be specified in upload()s.
       Elive::Entity::ParticipantList - movedf update checks to
       _readback_checks() for the benefit of Elive::Entity::Session.

1.03    24th July 2011

        elive_raise_meeting - added '--dump=yaml' option

        A few minor corrections to Elive::Entity::Session pod.    

1.02    21st July 2011

        Noted insert() and update() methods as undergoing depreciation for
        meetings, meeting parameters, server parameters and participant lists.

        - added is_participant() setter/getter
        - added BUILDARGS() method and simplified coercements.

        [bug fixes]
        - corrected ineffective BUILDARGS() method.

1.01    20th July 2011
        [bug fixes]
        - removed legacy method Elive::Entity::Preload::_freeze(). This was
          interfering with readback checks.
        - Amendements to section 'Configuring SDK Access'
        - Admendments introductory example POD

1.00    19th July 2011
        [Regression tested against Elm 3.0 / Elive 9.5 (earliest supported
         version). Back-ported recently introduced Elive::Entity::Session
         to  Elm 3.0+. Other minor changes for compatibility.].
        - amended introductory example POD to create a meeting using
          Elive::Entity::Session (was using Elive::View::Session).
        - now unconditionally uses Elive::Entity::Session as the default
          class for raising meetings (-use elm3).
        - skipped some failing download tests for Elm <= 3.0.
        - included some aliases for mispellings present in Elm 3.0 responses
          (sic) ModertatorTelephonyAddress, ModertatorTelephonyPIN
        [Minor refactorings]
        - added _restful_url() method to Elive::DAO. Inherited and
          overriden by Elive::Entity::Group.
        - Manual configuration instructions amended - only needed for LDAP

0.99    14th July 2011
        [Regression tested against various perls, including 5.8.3, 5.8.8,
         5.10.1 and 5.14.0. Fixed further nits and incompatibilities and
         established 5.8.3 as the minimum supportable perl version]
        - Further raised minimum perl version 5.8.1 to 5.8.3
        - Pod::Usage minimum version set to 1.36
        - `$fh->binmode` => `binmode $fh` for 5.8.3 IO::Handle compatability
        - Minor refactoring of _freeze() method to avoid occasional SEGVs
          during DEMOLISH of objects in program exit global destruction
          (observed running while tests on perl 5.8.8 - 5.10.1).
        Elive::DAO - Fixes update() handling of copy objects.
        - Updates on copy objects  were resulting in unblessed
          $obj->_db_data and breaking the is_changed() method.
        - Subrecords are now copied as well. Added _is_copy() metadata
          and modified __set_db_data to copy recursively.
        [Standardized on Try::Tiny's 'try' method]
        - Added dependency on Try::Tiny.
        - Replaced all non-stringy use of 'eval' built-in with 'try'.

0.98    8th July 2011
        [Minor bug fixes, testing and documentation]
        - Raised minimum perl version from the default 5.0.5 to 5.8.1. This
          is the earliest versions reporting reliable smoke test results.
        - corrected Scalar::Util::weaken() handling of copy objects to
          work on perl 5.13.3 - minor nit from smoke tests.
        - further documentation, particularly on working with preloads
        - implmented short form of import_from_server() method.
        - update() method was ignoring data parameter - fixed.

0.97    6th July 2011
        - Added support (and some documentation) for recurring sessions.

0.96    29th June 2011
        - default session class to Elive::Entity::Session (elm3) for
          server version >= 10.0.1, Elive::View::Session (elm2) otherwise
        - added further elm3 options: -follow -recording_resolution -profile
        - fixed long standing nit - not picking up $ELIVE_DEBUG (also fixed
          in elive_query).
        - parameterless use of update() method now works as documented
        - fixed a bug that prevented retrieved objects from being updated. 

0.95    28th June 2011
        [A pretty big release. This introduces Elive::Entity::Session; ELM 3.0
         compatible meeting/session creation and management].

        - New class Elive::Entity::Session. This implements inserts and updates
          via the ELM 3.x createSession and updateSession commands.

           -- Recurring meetings and telephony are not yet implemented.

           -- I'm not using this in production anywhere, so I treating this
              as a trial release, proabably until after the release of
              Elluminate 11.0 [Gemini]).

           -- It's largely call compatible with Elive::View::Session so in
              most cases all you need to do in your source code to start
              using it is: s{Elive::View::Session}{Elive::Entity::Session}.

        - Refactored Elive::View::Meeting, now based on Elive::Entity::Session.
          Elive::View::Meeting will be retained for the forseeable future, its
          continuing roles are:

             -- continue to allow insert/update via elm 2.x commands.

             -- support for elive_query

        [Elive::DAO refactoring]

        - removed ugly need to call 'construct' when coercing sub-objects.
          Elive::DAO::construct now works recursively and only needs to be
          called once.

        [Elive::Entity::Participants Construction]

        - Full support for users, groups and invited guests.

        - Introduced '-moderators' and '-participants' modifiers in
          participant list construction. So you now have the option of:

                     participants => [
                        -moderators => [qw(alice bob)],
                        -others => '*staff_group',

           Instead of using magic numbers for roles:

                     participants => [
                       'alice=2', 'bob=2', '*staff_group=3',

            Also works for Elive::View::Session.        

        [Some renaming and new classes]

        - Added class Elive::Entity::Preloads - lists of preloads

        - Class Elive::Entity::ParticipantList::Participants has been
          renamed to Elive::Entity::Participants.

        - Class Elive::Entity::ParticipantList::Participant has been
          renamed to Elive::Entity::Participant.

        [elive_raise_meeting elm 3.x support]

        - now supports -participant and -moderators|other options

        - is now capable of raising meetings via either Elive::View::Meeting
          (option -use elm2) or Elive::Entity::Meeting (option -use elm3).

        - has new elm3 options: -exit_url -max_cameras -restricted

        [other minor bug fixes]

        - elive_query: tweaked binmode/utf8 on stdout as flagged by latest

        - elive_raise_meeting (and underlying Elive::Entity::Meeting) now
          properly support the add_preload option.

0.91    15th June 2011
        Elive::View::Session - documented delegate attributes and methods.
        Elive::Entity::Group - handle recursive sub groups. Added new
         method expand_members().
        Elive::DAO modifications for up-and-coming ELM3 support. New method

0.90    9th June 2011
        - Added new object class Elive::Util::Type. Replacement for the
          Elive::Util::parse_type() function.
        - Elive::Struct is no more. Merged with Elive::DAO.
        [minor work-arounds]
        - Elive::Entity::ServerParameters - telephonyType SOAP response
          is being returned as a reference: {Name: 'PHONE', Ordinal: 1,
          TelephonyType: 1}, but the database simply contains the string
          'PHONE'. This is now dereferenced to return a string ('PHONE').

0.89    20th May 2011
        [minor bug fixes and refactoring].
        - Moved _get_results() and _unpack_as_list() from Elive::DAO to
          Elive::Entity. These are a Command Toolkit specific kludge that
          aren't required by StandardV2 and shouldn't be required for
          any future adapters.
        - Elive::Connection::SDK - now dies outright unless given a login
        - bug fix to safety check on admin user update/delete. Check was being
          bypassed when role was updated

0.88    27th April 2011
        - elive_query: set STDOUT encoding to utf-8 (ELM default encoding).

0.87_2  15th April 2011
        - Elive::Entity::Meeting->buildJNLP - Now understands user objects
          when passed as parameters. See updated pod example.
        - Really removed Elive::script::elive_meeting::ViewMeeting this time
          (see release 0.83)

0.87_1  14th April 2011
        - Removed stray .depend file from distribution.

0.87    11th April 2011
        - Elive::Entity::MeetingParameters - corrected datatype for
          'videoWindow' to 'Int' (was 'Bool').
        - elive_raise_meeting - added options: -cost_center -user_notes

0.86    15th March 2011
        - $preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->upload( 'filename' ) - now works
          as documented in Elive introductory example.

0.85    15th March 2011
        [Completing Elive::View::Session functionality. Phasing it in as the
         preferred high level class for meeting construction and setup.]
        - Added add_preload option to Elive::View::Session. Utilised in
        - Elive pod doco. Changed introductory example to raise a meeting via
          Elive::View::Session. Also added preload upload to example.
        - Also took out 'see also' links to Elive::Entity::MeetingParameters,
          Elive::Entity::Meeting, Elive::Entity::ServerParameters,

0.84    11th March 2011
        - Elive::View::Session - added support for recurring meetings
        - elive_query - converted from Elive::Entity::Meeting and friends to
        - Elive::Struct reverted from Mouse find_attribute_by_name to
          get_attribute. Was misbehaving under Perl 5.8.x when invoked via
          DEMOLISH during object destruction.

0.83    3rd March 2011
        [This release introduces Elive::View::Session - a consolidation
         of Elive::Entity::Meeting, Elive::Entity::MeetingParameters,
         Elive::Entity::ServerParameters and Elive::Entity::ParticipantList.]
        - Initial construction of Elive::View::Session. Supporting tests
          are in t/32-soap-session.t.
        - Elive::Entity::ServerParameters - now handles update of seats.
        - Added entity class Elive::Entity::InvitedGuest
        - Extended Elive::Entity::ParticipantList to model invited guests.
        - Removed Elive::script::elive_meeting::ViewMeeting; supersueded
          by Elive::View::Session.
        - Added Elive::Util::next_quarter_hour() - mostly to support
          Elive::StandardV2 tests.
        - Phased out 'use base ...' in favour of 'use parent ...'

0.82    10th February 2011
        [I hadn't run t/26-soap-user.t and t/27-soap-group updates against a
         live SOAP servive for a while :-| found some compatibility problems
         between Elluminate 9.7 and 10.0.1.]

        - Elive::Entity::User; to mirror SDK changes. The password was
          previously handled seperately via the 'changePassword' command,
          but is now a required field in the initial insert. Also tidied
          up the update checks; introduced _safety_check() method for

        - Elive::Entity::Group; update modifed to match change in SDK.
          -- The separator character for has changed from ';' to ','.
          -- Added new class Elive::Entity::Group::Members.
          -- Group name now passed to 'updateGroup' command.

        - extended t/26-soap-user.t and t/27-soap-group. These may be enabled
          by setting the following enviroment variables:
	  These tests can only be run on a non-LDAP server. See README for

0.81    4th February 2011
        - Resolve aliases on entity insert and update. For example the
          following are now equivalent:

                Elive::Entity::Meeting->insert({privateMeeting => 1, ...}); # use real attribute name
                Elive::Entity::Meeting->insert({private => 1, ...}); # use alias name

0.80    28th January 2011
        - Elive::Entity::ParticipantList. Detect and catch the common
          scenario of attempting to add unknown users. Now croaks with a
          friendlier and easily caught error message:

              "unable to add 7 of 35 participants; rejected users: user1 user2 ..."

        - Eliminated remaining direct uses of Elive::Util::_freeze() function.
          Replaced with Elive::DAO::->_freeze() for consistancy.

0.79    21st January 2011
        - bugfix to elive_query. Had silently broken 'select * ...' queries
          around 0.76. Added tests to t/40-script-elive-query.t.

0.78    8th December 2010
        - Removed bogus dependency on IO::Prompt. Causing unneccessary
          build problems on Windows.

0.77    8th December 2010
        - Added tests on setting big meeting participant lists. Bug fixed
          in pending Elluminate 10.0.2 release.
        - Downgraded  Term::Readline::Perl dependency from 'required' to
          'recommended'. alternatives include Term::Readline::TTYtter

0.76    10th November 2010
        work on elive_query:
        - added -adapter option. For impending integration with
          Elive::StandardV2. Added data_classes() method to Elive::DAO for
          discovery of entity classes.
        - IO::Interactive::is_interactive() dieing when executed from debian
          5 cron (error opening /dev/tty). Now evaled; assume non-interactive
          on eval error.

0.75    28th October 2010
        elive_query: Extended the range of data that can be selected for
        meetings. This includes data for meeting parameters and server
        parameters. Also now selectable are associated participants,
        recordings and preloads.

	    select name,participants,url from meeting where id = 1234567890123

        In particular, 'select ** from meeting' will retrieve all data from
        Meeting, MeetingParameters and ServerParameters. This involves 2
        secondary SOAP calls to retrieve associated data. Slow, but thorough.

0.74    18th October 2010

        Bug Fixes:
        - Elive::Entity::Preload - Make sure that the preload has an 'ownerId'
          defined. It seems to be required for preloads to function properly.

0.74_2  14th October 2010

        Support for LDAP groups in participant lists
        - Elive::Entity::ParticipantList has been significantly refactored.
          It now correctly interprets the 'type' property (introduced ~ ELM
          v3.0) and supports both 'user' and 'group' properties.
        - Group support also added to elive_raise_meeting - see pod

        Bug fixes:
        - Elive::Entity::Meeting: Added 'adapter' property. Interesting
          values include: 'default' & 'standardv2'.

        Other Enhancements:
        - General support for credentials embedded in urls, E.g:

0.74_1  7th October 2010

        Essential changes to implement Elive::StandardV2 - A new companion
        CPAN module that implements bindings to ELM Standard API Bridge V2.

        The classes in this distribution that referenced by ELive::API are
        Elive::Connection::API, Elive::Array, Elive::DAO and

        - Elive::Entity now only contains ELM specialisations. The generic
          portion has been moved to create a new base class, Elive::DAO.
	- Added new mixin class Elive::DAO::Singleton
        - Add subclasses Elive::Connection::SDK & Elive::Connection::API
        - Elive::_check_for_errors moved to Elive::Connection
        - Elive known_adapter() && check_adapter() methods replaced by
          known_command() and check_command() methods in Elive::Connection::SDK
          and Elive::Connection::API

0.73    3rd September 2010
        - Added script tests to manifest
        - Checked against Elluminate 10.0.1 - passed!
        - Starting investigation into extending this module to also support the 
          Elluminate V2 API, via the SOAP endpoint:

0.72    13th August 2010

        - Elive::Entity::Group: added implicit casting of user objects in
          member lists. The follow now works as you would expect:

  	      my $bob = Elive::Entity::User->get_by_loginName('bob');

	      my $group = Elive::Entity::Group->insert({
		    name => 'Elluminati',
		    members => [111111, 222222, 'alice', $bob ],

        - Added script tests (elive_query, elive_raise_meeting,

        - Elive::Struct Provided method aliases for existing entity
          level aliases. For example $meeting->private is now equivalent
          to $meeting->privateMeeting.

0.71    21st June 2010
        - Fixed elive_query (loading of Elive::Connection) from last
          change. Added a test for this.

0.70    21st June 2010
        Support for Elluminate 9.7 => 10.0
        - New Preload properties: isProtected and isDataAvailable.
        - New Recording properties: sessionInstanceId, startDate and endDate
        - Accommodated some newly introduced bugs/changes:

          -- User get_by_loginName() is no longer case insensitive

          -- Preloaded whiteboard files lost extension during insert/update
             (introduction.wdb => introduction).

             Note: attempted insert/update of files with no extension will
             crash the SOAP request with the error message:

                  'String index out of range: -1'

              (have put in a ticket to Elluminate help desk).

0.69    11th June 2010

        - Raised SOAP::Lite dependency 0.69 => 0.712. This eliminates some
          encoding failures under old perls (5.8.8-) and slightly older
          versions of SOAP::Lite. Encoding/decoding of HTML entities now
          properly handled. Thanks SOAP::Lite maintainers!

        - Minor refactorings to Elive codebase in order to pass
          Test::Perl::Critic severity level 4 tests (00c-critic.t).

          -- Most commonly, Atomic parsing of subroutine arguments. E.g.
             what was:

	        sub disconnect {
                    my $class = shift;
                    my %opt = @_;
                    # ...

             After refactoring becomes:

                sub disconnect {
                    my ($class, %opt) = @_;
                    # ....

	Second most common refactoring was adding explicit final 'return'
        to subroutines. For gory details, see svn commit of rev 377.

0.68    2nd June 2010
        - Added new entity class: Elive::Entity::Report.
        - Bug fix: Entity data was being returned with encoded
          entities. HTML::Entities::decode_entities is now used.

0.67    28th May 2010
        - Added Elive::Entity::Recording::upload() method.

0.66    22nd May 2010

        - Moved check of property checks from Elive::Entity to
          Elive::Struct. Made it a moose /mouse BUILDARGS method.

        - Added 'type' field to participants method. Newly discovered
          due to above BUILDARGS check.

        - Recordings do not have to be associated with a Meeting. Made
          RecordingId optional.

        - Implicit casting of objects to ids. For example, you can now

             Elive::Entity::Meeting->new({facilitatorId => $user,
                # ...

           Instead of:

             Elive::Entity::Meeting->new({facilitatorId => $user->userId,
                # ...

0.65    17th May 2010
        - Hide participants in elive_query script - not a retrievable entity.
        - pod tweaks.

0.64    11th March 2010
        - Elive::Entity::Group changed GroupId from Int to Str. Can be
          non-numeric when groups are configured for LDAP.

0.63    7th March 2010
        - Fixed usage/error messages in Elive::Entity '_readback' method.
        - RestrictedMeeting flag appears inoperative in Elm 9.7. Added a
	  test in 22-entity-meeting.t to catch this in 9.8 onwards.
        - Added -restricted option to elive_raise_meeting. Will require
          the above Elm fix to become effective.

0.62    16th February 2010
        Changes to README doco re troubleshooting and meeting pod.

0.61    26th January 2010
        elive_raise_meeting support for Elluminate 9.7 release
        - Modified user search/validation filter for Elm 3.2 compatibility.
        - Added 'quit' command. Also 'describe'; alias for 'show'.

0.60    25th January 2010
        - Added -occurs option to elive_raise_meeting script
        - Further tweaks to README

0.59    23rd January 2010
        - Updated README file to reflect Elluminate 9.5+ configuration.
        - Took out Elive->collections method. Easily derivable and only
          used in testing.

0.58    14th January 2010
        Support for Elluminate 9.7 release:
        - Added new field 'dn' to Elive::Entity::Group - LDAP domain name.
        - Added Elive::Entity::Group::_thaw(). This was required to handle
          modified output from Group DAO. We now get a single result with
          all members separated by ';', instead of a list of individual
        - Fix in Elive::Entity::_thaw(). It was modifying parts of the input
          struct. Now makes a copy on entry via Storable::dclone.
        - added 27-soap-group.t - group specific tests.

0.57    5th January 2010
        - Altered tests to pass Mouse 0.40 constraints, '+002' is not
          considered a valid 'Int'(?). Transient Mouse bug?
        - Elive::Entity - Added a warning for attempted use of is_changed on
          none database objects.

0.56    4th January 2010
        - Objects are now automatically stringified on all SOAP calls.
            For example:
                    facilitatorId => $user->userId,
	            # ...

            Can now be written:
                    facilitatorId => $user,
                    # ...

        - Improved mock testing coverage. Now able to run much of
	  the meeting and recording tests offline.
        - Pod/doco improvements. In particular, show a meeting insert
          in the introductory example.
        - Removed some unreachable code from elive_raise_meeting.